Management of Standard Prefabricated Building Expert Database in Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province


Recently, Ganzhou City has issued prefabricated building expert database management methods, which will give full play to the intellectual resources and technical support of prefabricated building experts, and solidly promote the construction of a national prefabricated building model city. According to the regulations, experts who report criticism or bad records twice or more in a year will be disqualified as experts.

The prefabricated construction experts mentioned in the Measures refer to professionals who meet the conditions and requirements specified in these Measures, have been approved to enter the Ganzhou prefabricated construction expert database, and provide professional technical services for prefabricated construction in an independent capacity. The expert database is composed of professional experts in the fields of prefabricated building design, drawing review, construction, supervision, production, quality inspection, decoration, and scientific research consulting.

Experts must meet the basic requirements when entering the warehouse, as well as other requirements, such as presiding over or participating in the research and standard preparation of prefabricated construction projects at the municipal level and above in the past 5 years, and presided over or undertook 2 or more prefabricated construction projects. Or a person who has presided over or edited national or provincial prefabricated building subject research and standard specifications, and provides relevant certification materials that can be directly stored in the warehouse after being reviewed. Or experts from the prefabricated building expert database announced by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development or the Provincial Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department.

The method also clarifies the rights and obligations of experts. The expert database is dynamically managed and adjusted every 2 years in principle. The Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development shall organize the review of the experts in the database as required; if the review is unqualified or does not conform to the provisions of the Measures, it shall be adjusted out of the expert database.

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