This year, Chongqing's newly-started prefabricated buildings strive to exceed 15 million square meters


The reporter learned on April 8 that the Chongqing Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Commission recently issued the "Key Points of Construction Technology and Foreign Cooperation in 2021" (referred to as "Key Points of Work"). The "Work Points" requires that, focusing on the development of prefabricated buildings, accelerate the modernization of Chongqing's construction industry, and promote the improvement of construction level and construction quality. This year, Chongqing will strive to start construction of more than 15 million square meters of prefabricated buildings.

In order to accelerate the modernization of the construction industry, this year, the Chongqing Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee will revise the development plan of Chongqing's modern construction industry, raise the standard for the identification of prefabricated construction industry bases, build a modern construction industry system with high standards, and strive to achieve an annual output value of more than 100 billion yuan.

At the same time, the city’s housing and urban-rural construction sector will accelerate the digital transformation of the industry, increase efforts to create smart construction sites, and comprehensively promote one-star smart construction sites; continue to promote digital construction pilot projects for engineering projects, and develop more than 100 pilot projects throughout the year. The online housing urban-rural construction electronic signature certification platform, and based on electronic signatures and electronic signatures, promotes the digitization of project management behaviors and construction operations, and realizes the delivery of digital urban construction archives.

In addition, this year, the Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will also formulate and issue the "14th Five-Year Plan for Scientific and Technological Development of Chongqing Housing and Urban-Rural Development" to promote mutual recognition of local standards between Chengdu and Chongqing, and encourage and support the upgrading of local standards to industry standards and national standards.

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