Hebei Province will start construction of 1.6 million square meters of ultra-low energy building



The Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hebei Province recently issued the "Key Points of Provincial Building Energy Conservation and Science and Technology Work in 2021". It is clear that in 2021, the proportion of newly-built green buildings in cities and towns in Hebei province shall reach more than 90%, and the newly-started passive ultra-low energy consumption building area will be 1.6 million square meters. Newly-started prefabricated buildings accounted for more than 25% of the newly built building area in cities and towns, and more than 10 new technology application demonstration projects were completed.

It is understood that this year, Hebei Province will promote the implementation of special plans for green buildings in various regions, and promulgate and implement the "Management Measures for Green Building Labels in Hebei Province." And also promote the implementation of energy-saving renovation and the application of renewable energy in existing buildings according to local conditions, and guide outstanding building materials companies to actively declare star-rated green building materials.

In terms of promoting passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings, focus on a number of government-invested or government-funded demonstration projects of passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings such as schools and public buildings and revise "Passive Ultra Low Energy Building Evaluation Standards", "Passive Ultra Low Energy Building Energy Efficiency Testing Standards", etc.

In addition, Hebei Province will continue to cultivate prefabricated construction industry bases, promote the standardization of components and parts, and further improve the base coverage and development quality. Focus on the pilot work of steel structure prefabricated housing construction, and urge the two pilot cities of Tangshan City and Cangzhou City to start construction of steel structure prefabricated housing more than 50,000 square meters.

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