Construction of the largest prefabricated house in the central city of Wuhan, Hubei Province begins


Recently, the largest prefabricated building in the central urban area of Wuhan-Yijiadun Village, Qiaokou District, has begun large-scale pile foundation construction, and has officially entered the stage of rapid progress.

The project is located at the intersection of Jiefang Avenue and Fengshuo Road, with a total land area of approximately 58,500 square meters. The total construction area is about 326,900 square meters. It is planned to build 11 super high-rise residential buildings with 25-45 floors. Among them, the residential buildings below 100 meters will be constructed using prefabricated construction. It is planned to be completed and put into use in 2023.

The reporter saw on the spot that nearly 20 rotary excavators and nearly 10 excavators were arranged on a small construction site. Vehicles were shuttled incessantly, workers were walking in a hurry, and the scene was full of enthusiasm.

According to Lu Aiguo, the project leader of the China Construction Third Bureau Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd.: "Not long after the on-site pile foundation construction started, the demolition and frequent rainfall in the near future have brought certain obstacles, but all difficulties will be overcome in the future, and under the premise of ensuring the safety and quality of operations, we will give full play to the advantages of the entire industrial chain of enterprise prefabricated buildings and further speed up the construction speed, and strive to help Yijiadun villagers move to green new houses as soon as possible. "

It is reported that this project is a key demonstration area for the construction of a "two-oriented society" in Wuhan. It is a benchmark demonstration project that implements the method of collective acquisition and reserve in the transformation of urban villages to strengthen industry orientation, function orientation and quality orientation. It is also the largest prefabricated demonstration project in the central city of Wuhan so far. After its completion, it will effectively promote the Gutian area to build a new city of Lohas that is commensurate with green and modern, and the living and industry are co-prosperous.

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