Over 530,000 square meters of newly built prefabricated buildings in Chengmai County, Hainan Province



Up to now, 90% of the civil works of the Meilun campus project of Hainan Middle School in Chengmai County, Hainan Province have been completed, and 20% of the decoration works have been completed. It is expected to be completed on June 30. The entire construction period is less than one year. The project can be completed safely and quickly in a short period of time, thanks to the prefabricated construction method adopted.

According to the relevant person in charge, in recent years, Chengmai County has vigorously developed the green building industry, actively promoted the implementation of prefabricated construction projects, and the scale of newly built prefabricated buildings has continued to grow. In 2020, Chengmai County will adopt prefabricated construction methods (including projects for which the prefabricated construction implementation plan has passed the expert review meeting) with a construction area of approximately 534,900 square meters, an increase of 81.0% over the same period last year.

"Prefabricated buildings, in simple terms, are factory-built parts and on-site construction of houses." The staff said that compared with traditional building construction methods, the components of prefabricated buildings are concentrated in the factory to avoid on-site dust and mud pollution and realize green construction. At the same time, the production water and the template can be recycled, realizing energy saving, water saving, land saving and material saving, and the economic and social benefits are significant.

In addition to the Hainan Middle School Meilun campus project that will be completed, prefabricated construction projects such as the centralized boarding school in Zhongxing Town of Chengmai County and the centralized boarding school project of Dafeng School in Chengmai County have started construction.

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