The proportion of prefabricated buildings in Anhui Province strives to reach 18%


Green buildings account for 65% of the newly built civil building area, and the prefabricated buildings account for 18% of the newly built building area... This year, Anhui Province will comprehensively promote green buildings, steadily develop prefabricated buildings, promote the improvement of building energy efficiency, advance construction technology innovation, and promote the high-quality development of housing and urban and rural construction.

It is understood that Anhui Province will carry out ultra-low energy buildings, integrated applications of photovoltaic buildings such as copper indium gallium selenium, and research on building carbon neutrality, and support qualified cities and regions to carry out corresponding pilot projects to continuously improve building energy efficiency. Adhere to the principle of adapting measures to local conditions, relying on the construction of pilot and demonstration projects such as improving the environment of old communities and improving the energy efficiency of public buildings in cities, and gradually promote the energy-saving renovation of existing buildings. At the same time, it is required that no less than one type of renewable energy should be used for new, rebuilt, or expanded public buildings with a floor area of more than 10,000 square meters. New buildings that have the conditions for solar energy utilization shall adopt the technical design of the integration of solar water heating systems and buildings, and install solar water heating systems in accordance with technical standards. The construction of renewable energy utilization facilities shall be designed, constructed, inspected and put into use simultaneously with the main building project.

In terms of advancing the development of prefabricated buildings, the construction of provincial prefabricated building industrial bases will continue. In principle, all regions should introduce or cultivate no less than one integrated design and construction enterprise during the year, and actively strive to create a national prefabricated building demonstration city and industrial base. Encourage international cooperation in production capacity and equipment manufacturing, support capable and qualified prefabricated construction companies and component manufacturers to actively and steadily "go global", encourage prefabricated construction companies to undertake international engineering projects, and support the undertaking of the construction of overseas economic and trade park projects promoted by Anhui Province.

In order to promote the application of scientific research results, Anhui Province has included research and experimental development expenditure intensity as an important part of the evaluation and evaluation of super construction enterprises, and encouraged the promotion and transformation of new technologies, new processes, new materials, and new equipment in the construction field. Encourage universities and vocational schools to set up courses related to green buildings and prefabricated buildings, and rely on leading companies to carry out special training on green buildings and prefabricated buildings.

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