Liaoning Province will renovate more than 1,000 old communities in cities and towns and fully launch the public rental housing information system


This year, the province will renovate more than 1,000 old communities in cities and towns, solve problems such as roof leakage and wall insulation, and improve infrastructure such as water, electricity, heat, gas, roads, lighting, and parking. On March 24, the Information Office of the Liaoning Provincial Government held a series of press conferences "Starting the "14th Five-Year Plan" and Marching towards a New Journey". The Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Liaoning Province introduced the "blueprint" for comprehensively promoting the transformation of old communities in cities and towns this year.

Liaoning Province will start the construction of the urban information model (CIM) basic platform

This year, the province’s task of promoting the transformation of old communities in cities and towns is to renovate more than 1,000 old communities in cities and towns, solve problems such as roof leakage and wall insulation, and improve infrastructure such as water, electricity, heat, gas, roads and lighting, and parking. Carry out age-appropriate renovation, promote the installation of elevators in old residences, rationally allocate public service facilities, and improve residents' living environment and public service levels.

At the same time, Liaoning will start the construction of the urban information model (CIM) basic platform, formulate a supporting standard system, and promote the intelligent transformation and upgrading of municipal facilities such as water supply, drainage, heating, and gas. At the same time, improve the operation efficiency and safety performance of municipal infrastructure, promote the pilot of Shenyang intelligent networked vehicles, promote the construction of smart light poles, and accelerate the intelligent construction and transformation of parking facilities.

In terms of the construction of new urban infrastructure, the province will also accelerate the construction of smart communities, support enterprises to build smart property management service platforms, and create smart “property services + life services” demonstration projects. Implement the construction standards for complete urban residential communities, refine and improve public service facilities, convenient service facilities, cultural facilities, municipal supporting infrastructure and public activity spaces. Increase the coverage of property management and create a "red property". Promote property companies to accelerate the development of home-based community elderly care services and online and offline life services.

Liaoning Province will fully launch public rental housing information system

The whole province adheres to the positioning of "the house is for living, not for speculation", and has continuously strengthened the construction of the housing market system and security system in response to the city's policies. Establish and improve the province's real estate market monitoring and early warning system, scientifically apply the policy "toolbox", stabilize land prices, house prices, and expectations, and prevent and resolve real estate market risks. Promote the destocking of new cities, new districts and counties, and promote the return of the destocking cycle to a reasonable range. Use the "project supermarket" to promote the revitalization and suspension of construction projects. Carry out special rectification of the real estate market order and standardize the behavior of various market entities.

Establish and improve a housing security system with affordable rental housing and common property housing as the main body, and implement the same right of rent and purchase. Focus on solving the housing problem of new urban residents, and on the basis of ensuring the urban household registration population, solve the housing difficulties of young people, especially those engaged in basic public services. The public rental housing information system will be fully launched to realize the "one network and one network", improve the level of housing security services, and leave the convenience to the residents.

Cultivate large-scale leasing agencies and increase the supply of leasing housing. Strengthen the filing management of real estate brokerage agencies, accelerate the establishment of a credit system, standardize the management of long-term rental apartments, and guide Shenyang to do a good job in the pilot work of developing the national housing rental market.

This year, the province's green buildings accounted for 70% of new buildings

In addition, the province will continue to develop green buildings. This year, the province’s green buildings will account for 70% of new buildings, prefabricated buildings will account for 21% of newly built buildings, and 30% by the end of 2025. Continue to advance the revolution in household waste classification and toilets. Establish a waste classification and assessment system, and promote the “two networks integration” of waste removal and recycling and recycling and utilization of renewable resources. Speed up the construction of garbage incineration facilities, and promote the recycling and reduction of garbage. Promote the construction and renovation of urban public toilets. Properly set up guide signs, public toilets should be opened as much as possible, and the opening of internal toilets should be increased to make it easier for citizens to go to the toilet.

In terms of the protection and shaping of urban historical and cultural features, the census and identification of historical and cultural resources will be carried out to promote the activation and utilization of industrial heritage, and to excavate a number of provincial-level historical and cultural cities, towns and villages. In terms of improving urban safety and resilience, we will conduct a comprehensive investigation of existing buildings and buildings under construction in the urban area and establish a ledger. Carry out a special action for the investigation of urban dangerous bridges, and explore the digital management mode of urban bridges.

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