Henan Province will transform 600,000 old towns and villages this year



The Office of the Leading Group for the Construction of Hundred Cities in Henan Province has recently issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Reconstruction of Old Communities in Henan Province's Key Livelihood Cities and Towns in 2021." This year, the province’s urban and old communities will renovate 600,000 households. This year’s old communit’s city and county indicators have been broken down. Zhengzhou, Luoyang, and Kaifeng rank in the top 3 in terms of reconstruction tasks, accounting for about 1/3 of this year’s reconstruction tasks. 

According to the overall goals set by Henan Province this year, by the end of 2021, renovate urban residential communities that are out of maintenance and management, incomplete municipal supporting facilities, unsound community service facilities, strong residents' willingness to renovate, and qualified for renovation, and no less than 600,000 households have been renovated throughout the year.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Henan Province, the number of tasks in each region will be comprehensively determined based on the proportion of the renewal of the construction in 2020 and the reconstruction of the new urban and old communities declared in 2021. Among them, the renewal of the old community project supported by the central subsidy fund in 2020 will be completed by the end of June this year; the old community supported by the central subsidy fund in 2021 will all be substantively started by the end of June this year, and the reconstruction will be basically completed by the end of this year. By the end of October, more than 70% of the project will be completed in 2021, forming a physical engineering volume.

It is understood that the Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development implements full-process performance management for the renovation of urban old communities, scientifically and rationally sets project performance targets, and strengthens performance monitoring and performance self-evaluation in the implementation of old community reconstruction projects. In the event of deviation from performance targets, slow progress of projects, and stranded funds, the financial department will promptly adjust and recover funds.

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