Tai'an City, Shandong Province accelerates the development of prefabricated buildings



From the press conference held by the Municipal Government Information Office on March 31, it was learned that in order to standardize the promotion of prefabricated buildings, the Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau and other four departments jointly issued the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the "Guidelines for the Promotion of Prefabricated Buildings in Tai'an" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines"), which further clarified the technical standards of prefabricated construction, development goals, and the responsibilities of related departments.

It is understood that the promotion of prefabricated buildings is a major measure for the transformation and upgrading of the development of construction industrialization. In recent years, the municipal party committee and the municipal government have attached great importance to continuously strengthened organizational leadership, and has achieved remarkable results in vigorously promoting the development of prefabricated buildings. Currently, the city has built 6 prefabricated industrial bases, and has started 24 prefabricated projects with a construction area of 1.8212 million square meters. In December 2020, the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, together with the Municipal Natural Resources Planning Bureau, the Municipal Approval Bureau, and the Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, have repeatedly studied and drafted the "Guidelines (Draft for Solicitation of Comments)". After many discussions, public comments, revisions and improvements, it was formally issued on March 6. The issuance of the "Guidelines" marks the city's comprehensive promotion of prefabricated buildings in housing construction and municipal engineering construction, and will play an important role in promoting the development of the city's construction industry, the transformation and upgrading of the real estate industry, and the economic and social development of the city.   

The "Guidelines" are applicable to civil buildings in urban areas, functional areas, and county (city) urban areas of Tai'an City, as well as all real estate development projects in the city. The national and provincial specific standards and regulations on prefabricated building evaluation were sorted out, and the implementation goals of prefabricated buildings in our city were further clarified. At the same time, the "Guidelines" clarify the technical requirements that should be implemented by units such as project construction, design, construction, supervision, construction drawing review agencies, and prefabricated component production. The municipal natural resources and planning, administrative approval, housing and urban-rural construction, ecological and environmental protection departments responsible for approval are required to incorporate the prefabricated building requirements into the approval process in accordance with their duties. In the links of planning, project initiation, land transfer, design review, construction permit, etc., the approval and acceptance are strictly controlled.   

The "Guidelines" encourages the use of prefabricated buildings for civil buildings outside of urban areas and functional areas. Government investment projects, new public rental housing, shantytown renovation, urban village renovation and underground pipe corridors and other projects are fully implemented prefabricated construction. Prefabricated buildings should be adopted for schools, kindergartens, and large and medium-sized public buildings constructed by social investment. Small public buildings are encouraged to adopt prefabricated buildings. For civil buildings that do not use prefabricated construction, prefabricated laminated floors, stairs, non-masonry internal partition walls, air conditioning panels, balconies and other prefabricated components will be fully implemented from June 1.   

The introduction of the "Guidelines" has brought opportunities for the development of the construction industry in Tai'an City, but also brought huge challenges. Tai'an City Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau will focus on its functions, strengthen guidance, implement precise policies, make all-out efforts, strengthen coordination and linkage with relevant departments, form an atmosphere of joint control and joint management of departments, and fully promote the promotion and application of prefabricated buildings.

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