The Guangdong Provincial Local Standard "Technical Regulations for Assembled Integral Laminated Shear Wall Structures" jointly edited by Meihao House Intelligent Manufacturing was officially


Recently, the Guangdong Provincial Local Standard "Technical Regulations for Assembling Integral Laminated Shear Wall Structures", co-edited by Better House Intelligent Manufacturing and Huayang International Engineering Design Co., Ltd., was officially released. The standard number is DBJ/T 15-210-2021. It will be officially implemented on April 1, 2021.

The Guangdong Provincial Local Standard "Technical Regulations for Assembling Integral Laminated Shear Wall Structures" is the ninth local standard that has been implemented after Hubei, Shandong, Hunan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Anhui, Hebei, and Henan for smart house construction. Based on the company’s recent technological system and product development and demonstration project application results, according to the local standards of Guangdong Province, the maximum applicable heights for buildings with assembled monolithic laminated shear wall structures in areas of 6, 7, and 8 degrees of seismic fortification have been increased to 130m, 110m, and 80m, respectively. And incorporate the design content of the close-fitted laminated wall structure system.

The "Local Standards for Engineering Construction" are organized and managed by the provincial/municipal housing and urban-rural construction departments or construction committees. They are an important basis for guiding design, production, construction, and acceptance. Especially for the promotion and application of new technology systems, the implementation of local standards will provide important support for the smooth implementation of the project. In recent years, the implementation of the prefabricated technical standards for the smart building of the beautiful house has played a positive role in guiding the high-quality development of the prefabricated construction industry as a whole for the promotion and application of the prefabricated laminated shear wall structure system in my country.

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