Chuzhou City, Anhui Province requires new green buildings to account for no less than 75%


The reporter recently learned that Chuzhou City, Anhui Province has helped achieve carbon neutrality with several measures such as making buildings greener, supporting enterprises, and managing energy.

Chuzhou City fully implements mandatory energy-saving standards for new buildings, requiring that the city's new green buildings account for no less than 75%; implement energy-saving renovation projects for existing buildings to promote energy-saving and emission-reduction. Encourage the development of prefabricated buildings, and give priority to the use of prefabricated construction technology for affordable housing projects and government-invested public building projects. Since the beginning of this year, the city has newly built 1.1 million square meters of buildings, of which 1.04 million square meters are green buildings, accounting for 94%; prefabricated buildings are 350,000 square meters, accounting for 31.8%.

At the same time, Chuzhou City issued the "Implementation Plan for Vigorously Promoting Prefabricated Buildings", focusing on supporting and guaranteeing six aspects including fund rewards and subsidies, land supply, and preferential taxes and fees. Since January this year, a total of 3.3 million yuan has been declared for bonuses. Carry out the green building creation action, guide construction companies to actively apply for the star-level green building logo, and give credit evaluation "technological innovation" bonus points to those who have been successfully evaluated. Since January, a total of 25 construction companies have been given credit bonus points.

In addition, for construction projects that implement green building standards, implement the building energy-saving target responsibility system and accountability system, and strictly control the pre-planning, blueprint review, construction process supervision, and post-complete completion acceptance to ensure that the policy is implemented in place. Speed up the construction of public building energy conservation supervision system, build energy consumption monitoring platform, and promote the large-scale application of renewable energy such as solar energy and shallow ground energy. Since the beginning of this year, the city's renewable energy building application ratio has reached 80%.

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