The leaders of Xiangtan City, Hunan Province investigated the development of green building materials prefabricated buildings and construction industry chain


On March 22, Xiangtan City organized a survey and investigation of green building materials prefabricated buildings and enterprises in the construction industry chain. City leaders Yang Guang, He Jian, Xiang Min, Zhou Peiluo and others participated.

On the same day, through field visits and discussions and exchanges, the research team had an in-depth understanding of Xiangtan Meerschaum Technology Co., Ltd., Hunan Feishanqi Construction Technology Development Co., Ltd., Hunan Third Engineering Co., Ltd. and the basic situation, operating status, innovation capabilities, upstream and downstream supporting conditions, existing difficulties, problems and demands. Heed the suggestions and opinions of industry chain enterprises and related functional departments.

In 2020, Xiangtan City will have 86 green building materials and prefabricated construction industry chain enterprises, 2 prefabricated building national bases represented by Yuanda Residential Industry and Drawin Manufacturing, and 1 provincial base. In 2020, industry chain enterprises will complete an industrial output value of 12.93 billion yuan. There are also 520 construction companies in the city, with an output value of 57.16 billion yuan.

Currently, the relevant departments of Xiangtan City are studying and drafting relevant policy support measures to promote the healthy development of real estate and promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry in terms of reducing the burden on enterprises, reducing taxes and fees, and cultivating the local market. In the next step, we will focus on the implementation of supplementary chain projects, promote the commissioning of strong chain projects, and promote the expansion of chain extension projects.

Yang Guang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, executive deputy mayor, and chain leader of green building materials prefabricated construction and construction industry chain pointed out that Xiangtan City's green building materials prefabricated construction and construction industry chain enterprises are facing a major industry reshuffle. In the future, we should focus on supporting leading and backbone enterprises to help them open up the market. Enterprises in the chain must continue to innovate products, and the government will further optimize the business environment and support enterprises to grow bigger and stronger.

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