New buildings in Shanghai's five new cities will implement 100% green building standards and accelerate the construction of new infrastructure such as 5G


The Shanghai Municipal Government Information Office held a municipal government press conference on March 19 to introduce the development and implementation of the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the City's "14th Five-Year" Plan and Construction of New Towns". Zhu Jianhao, deputy director of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Management Committee, answered reporters' questions.

Regarding the comprehensive advocacy of a green and low-carbon life and urban operation model, Zhu Jianhao said in response to a reporter’s question that he will unswervingly follow the high-quality path of ecological priority and green development. In the planning and construction of the new city, we will integrate the concepts of ecology, green and sustainable development throughout all stages and links of the new city's environmental quality and infrastructure planning and construction management. Highlight the five key aspects of ecological benefits, livable and stable, low-carbon and green, smart governance, and resilient cities, and form specific action plans.

In terms of ecological benefits to the people, we must strengthen the construction of an ecological system with water as the vein and green as the body. The area where the new city is located is mostly Jiangnan water villages criss-crossed by rivers and lakes. It is necessary to better create a water-green ecological background. On the one hand, we need to form a blue-green intertwined ecological pattern. On the other hand, we will learn from the experience of the development and construction of the "One River and One River" waterfront public space to create a desirable, warm, vibrant and cultural waterfront ecological space. While improving the carbon sink capacity of the new city, it will better achieve ecological benefits for the people.

In terms of livable and stable housing, it is necessary to strengthen the development direction of industry-city integration, job-living balance, simultaneous rental and purchase, and complete supporting facilities, optimize the spatial layout of new towns, and encourage industrial, commercial, and transportation hubs and other land use functions to be mixed with residential land. Create an atmosphere of green travel and low-carbon life, promote the coordinated development of residential and employment spaces, and create a model of a new city with a balance of work and housing.

In terms of green and low-carbon, strengthen green construction and low-carbon operations. From construction, municipal administration to regional energy supply, etc., we will comprehensively build a new city green and low-carbon system that combines "point-line-surface". In point, new buildings in the new city will implement 100% green building standards to meet the people's requirements for the comfort and health of residential buildings. Online, it is necessary to actively promote the new city natural gas distributed energy supply model, promote the large-scale utilization of renewable energy, build green new energy transportation facilities, and promote the construction of overhead lines into the ground and integrated pipeline corridors in urban areas. On the other hand, all newly-built urban areas in the new city are required to implement 100% of the standards for green ecological urban areas, and to create distinctive green ecological urban models around a 15-minute living circle.

In terms of smart governance, they will use digital transformation as an opportunity to comprehensively promote the construction of new infrastructure, accelerate the construction of communication infrastructure and data centers such as 5G and broadband networks, and systematically promote the intelligentization of infrastructure. Expanding smart application scenarios, building a city information model platform, relying on the "one network unified management" platform, deepening the use of big data, supporting the refined and intelligent governance of the new city, and comprehensively promoting the development of digital transformation in the new city.

In terms of resilient cities, they will implement the concept of urban safety and sustainable development, realize an urban risk management model from passive emergency rescue to active prevention, and build a comprehensive systemic defense system. Improve the new city's ability to respond to extreme natural climate impacts such as floods, earthquakes, and wind disasters, and improve the ability to prevent fire, civil defense, and public health risks. Focus on implementing the concept of a sponge city and a waste-free city, continuously improve the infiltration of rainwater in the new city, build a safe bottom line for urban operation, and create a model of a resilient new city.

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