Hebei: The establishment of a strategic alliance for technological innovation in the prefabricated building and green building industry in southern Hebei!



In order to fully implement the national, provincial and municipal requirements for the development of prefabricated buildings and green buildings, accelerate the development of related industries, improve the industrial chain platform service system, and create an atmosphere for industrial chain development, on the morning of August 1, the Southern Hebei Prefabricated Building and Green Building Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance was established and the prefabricated and green building forum exchange meeting was held.

Hebei: The establishment of a strategic alliance for technological innovation in the prefabricated building and green building industry in southern Hebei!

Leaders of Xingtai Municipal Science and Technology Bureau and Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau attended the meeting. The strategic alliance of industrial technology innovation brought together 20 enterprises, including prefabricated, green building design, drawing review, development, construction, parts and components production, testing, and scientific research. With the purpose of "gathering industry resources, promoting industrial development, cooperation and win-win innovation", it has built a platform for common communication, unity and cooperation and common development to promote the transformation and upgrading of Xingtai's construction industry.

In recent years, the state and province have vigorously promoted the implementation of prefabricated and green buildings. In the promotion work, Xingtai City fully integrates the actual situation of the local construction industry, actively researches and explores supporting policies, establishes an industrial technology innovation strategic alliance, formulates and implements two balanced policies for benefiting the people of "district level and enterprise", and adopts "complementary advantages". , "Building alliances", "pairing" and other methods, vigorously promote prefabricated and green buildings, out of the characteristic road of Xingtai City.

Hebei: The establishment of a strategic alliance for technological innovation in the prefabricated building and green building industry in southern Hebei!

The establishment of the alliance will actively integrate the resources of production, education, research and other parties, focus on promoting the reform and innovation of construction methods, promote the transformation of related scientific and technological innovation results into economic development results, and lead the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry in Xingtai City, in order to improve the quality of green buildings. Therefore, it can lay a solid foundation for the improvement of green building quality and high-quality development.

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