Xinjiang Green Building Materials Industrial Park started construction


On March 19, Xinjiang Green Building Materials Industrial Park started the foundation stone laying ceremony for two small parks in Midong District, Urumqi.

It is understood that the Xinjiang Green Building Materials Industrial Park was invested and built by Xinjiang Zhongjiang Construction Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., and is a core key project for the construction industry to move toward green buildings and 3D building printing technology. The construction area is 990 mu, and the construction area after completion is 370,000 square meters. The core business will rely on the project's 3D building printing technology and green building materials, and strive to build it into a high-end industrial chain of “new technologies, new materials, and new trends” in Xinjiang building materials .

On March 19, Xinjiang Green Building Materials Industrial Park started the foundation stone laying ceremony for two small parks in Midong District, Urumqi.

Yang Fu, President of the Urumqi Construction Industry Chamber of Commerce: "Xinjiang Green Building Materials Industrial Park, which originated from our Urumqi Construction Industry Chamber of Commerce, was initially formed by our eight member companies to realize our architectural dreams. We will build this park into a technological, intelligent, green, and environmentally friendly green building industrial park. We also hope that through new technologies, we can make some contributions to the construction of our great Xinjiang. "

With the construction of the "Silk Road Economic Belt", Xinjiang and Central Asia will have a real and potentially huge market demand for building materials, and Xinjiang building materials industry is required to strengthen market connection and optimize industrial layout. The industrial park will integrate technology, industrialization, intensification, and marketization into a green building material manufacturing industry chain that integrates the concepts of green, technology, innovation, environmental protection, and energy saving. Form a green park with a high degree of industrial agglomeration, a strong ability to transform scientific and technological achievements, and outstanding industry characteristics.

In the later stage of the project, more types and higher-level talent teams will be cultivated and delivered for the development of Xinjiang's building materials industry. After the completion of the project, it will create the first professional green park in Urumqi and even Xinjiang with the upstream and downstream supporting industrial chain.

Aerial view of Xinjiang Green Building Materials Industrial Park

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