Shanxi丨Datong City Issues Action Plan for Green Building Creation


Recently, Datong City issued the "Datong City Green Building Creation Action Plan". This green building creation action takes urban buildings as the object of creation, and strives to further promote the full implementation of green building standards for new urban buildings in the city.

It is understood that green buildings refer to high-quality buildings that save resources, protect the environment, reduce pollution throughout the life cycle, provide people with healthy, applicable, and efficient use of space, and maximize the realization of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. In order to implement the requirements of the central, provincial and relevant departments for the creation of green buildings, Datong City issued a green building creation action plan this month, taking urban buildings as the objects of creation, and comprehensively promoting the full implementation of green building standards for new urban buildings. Strive to realize that by 2022, the proportion of green buildings in the city's new urban buildings will reach 70%, and the proportion of star-rated green buildings will reach 20%. Prefabricated buildings are advancing steadily. In 2022, the proportion of newly started prefabricated buildings in the city will reach 30% of the newly built building area. A green construction technology system with local characteristics will be formed, the application of green building materials will be further expanded, and the supervision mechanism for users of green houses will be basically established, with the goal of cultivating a number of green building innovation projects.

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