Agricultural Development Bank Tianshui City Branch, Gansu Province, loaned 1.29 billion yuan to support the development of prefabricated industries


Recently, the Agricultural Development Bank Tianshui City Branch of Gansu Province received a fixed asset loan of 1.29 billion yuan for ecological environment construction and protection, and an advance loan fund of 420 million yuan was used to support the construction of the first phase of the Tianshui Prefabricated Industrial Park and promote the creation of the prefabricated building node center of the Silk Road Economic Belt.

The renderings of the Phase I project of the prefabricated industrial park supported by a 1.29 billion yuan loan from the Tianshui City Branch of the Agricultural Development Bank of China

The prefabricated construction method has obvious advantages in energy saving, material saving and emission reduction. It is an inevitable requirement for the new era to practice new development concepts, promote supply-side structural reforms, and achieve high-quality development. Since 2017, the Gansu Provincial Government has successively issued "Implementation Opinions on Further Strengthening of Urban Planning and Construction Management", "Implementation Opinions on Vigorously Developing Prefabricated Buildings" and other documents, and Tianshui has been regarded as one of the pilot cities for prefabricated buildings. In order to create a cross-regional coordinated development demonstration zone for prefabricated building industrialization and a center for technological innovation, talent cultivation, and display and trading of prefabricated building industrialization in Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone, Tianshui City Government actively promotes the implementation of the Tianshui Prefabricated Industrial Park project. In addition, the Provincial Construction Investment Group and the Qinzhou District Industrial Investment Company jointly established the Gansu Tianshui Green Prefabricated Construction Industry Development Co., Ltd., which is responsible for the development, construction, operation and management of the prefabricated industrial park.

After learning about the company's financing needs for the project, the bank immediately organized the customer business department of the city branch and the city branch business department to set up a business promotion team to actively provide door-to-door service, work overtime to collect information, and continuously improve the efficiency of loan processing. The three-level banks of provinces, cities and counties worked together to shorten the time for loan acceptance investigation, review and approval, effectively alleviating the pressure of insufficient funds of enterprises, and ensuring that the project started on schedule. The main construction content of the project includes construction molds, support, transportation equipment production single-story industrial plant, single-story warehouse; office management center, technology research and development center, PC prefabricated components and exhibition center, etc.

After the project is completed, it will support the development of green buildings, improve the quality and content of buildings, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry. It can effectively promote Tianshui's industrial integration, industry-city integration, and industry-university integration. At the same time, the service has driven 36,440 local people to generate income and increase income, of which 10,114 have been lifted out of poverty.

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