Chongqing will comprehensively promote the transformation of old communities in cities and towns


Chongqing has recently issued the "Special Action Plan for Comprehensively Promoting the Reconstruction of Old Urban Communities and Enhancement of Community Services", which stipulates the scope and content of rebuilding old communities.

According to the plan, the scope of implementation of the renovation of old communities in Chongqing and the improvement of community services were buildings completed before 2000, houses which are out of maintenance and management, municipal supporting facilities which are not perfect, social service facilities which are not perfect, and residents who have a strong willingness to renovate, residential districts (including single-family residential buildings) and communities in the county (central city).

Chongqing City will focus on building "complete communities" and "green communities" in accordance with two approaches: comprehensive transformation and management improvement. Residents can update and select the content of renovation and upgrading according to actual conditions, highlighting "menu-style selection". The plan requires that the management model, service content and charging standards be determined in accordance with the wishes of the residents. The plan basically realizes "environmental sanitation, house management and maintenance, security and vehicle management, green management, and public facilities management" specifications.

Chongqing City will strive to initiate another 30 million square meters of old community renovation in 2020 while basically complete the 11 million square meters renovation and upgrading tasks that have been initiated in 2019. By 2022, a more complete long-term working mechanism and institutional policy system will be formed, and in accordance with the principle of “implement a batch, plan a batch, and reserve a batch”, the city’s 102 million square meters renovation and upgrading task will be fully implemented in a planned way. At the same time, it will establish a green channel for the approval of old community renovation and community service improvement projects, broaden the funding channels for renovation, increase financial security, and establish a reasonable sharing mechanism for residents. Residents are allowed to withdraw the housing provident fund for the renovation of the old community where they are located and the simultaneous indoor renovation and renovation.

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