Chinese first 3D printed fabricated ecological river retaining wall line



Recently, the landscape river retaining wall project of the Yinhe Road renovation project in Jiyang District, Shandong Province started construction. It is understood that the project adopts 3D printing technology in the construction process, and after the construction is completed, it will become the country's first 3D printing culture, ecology, and garden demonstration project.

It is reported that the 3D printed fabricated ecological retaining wall is a stepped two-way arch structure, which uses 3D printing technology to produce its arch rings and piers, and C30 reinforced concrete is used to pour the arch piers to connect them to form an overall stress structure during assembly.

After the stepped section on the front water surface is generated, the wall is divided into multi-layered plant growth areas without affecting the wall stress. The retaining wall is provided with a permeable area so that the river water can penetrate into the soil layer, thereby achieving a virtuous ecological cycle.

The wall lines are all curved and very flexible. The curved wall facing the water is decorated with real stone lacquer, and sprinkler irrigation, colorful lights, etc. are arranged along the stone.

The application of 3D printing technology, through factory prefabrication and on-site assembly, overcomes site limitations, greatly improves work efficiency, and shortens the entire project duration.

The project is expected to be completed at the end of May. After the project is completed and put into operation, the landscape river will not only meet the water passing requirements, but also meet the needs of permeable water and river bank plant growth. Within a certain range, a better ecological circulation effect will be achieved, and the urban environment will be further beautified.

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