The first marine industry prefabricated construction base started construction in Haiyang City, Shandong Province


On the morning of March 17, Shandong Province's first marine industry assembly-type construction production base-China Railway Construction Port and Shipping Bureau Northern Blue Ocean Economic Research and Production Base started construction in Liugezhuang Town, Haiyang City. It marks that Shandong Province has accelerated the development of modern marine industry, accelerated the cultivation of marine engineering clusters, and expanded the new momentum of the blue marine economy to take another substantial step.

Up to now, Shandong Province has 44 national marine ranches and 3 large ports with a throughput of over 400 million tons. The development of modern marine industry has a solid foundation and obvious advantages. While accelerating the construction of world-class marine ports and the development of high-end marine ecological aquaculture, coastal cities are exploring and practicing new modes of integrated development such as sea fishing, recreation and offshore wind power in accordance with local conditions. This provides a broad development space for the rise of the marine industry prefabricated buildings.

The northern blue ocean economic research and production base is invested and constructed by China Railway Construction Port and Shipping Bureau, and the third company of China Railway Construction Port and Shipping Bureau, a central enterprise in Shandong is responsible for the construction. The project mainly serves marine and coastal engineering construction, with a total investment of approximately 1.23 billion yuan, divided into three phases. The main construction content includes production plant area, pedestal, wharf and bank protection, etc. It is divided into functional areas such as production and processing area, pipe pile and tower steel component storage area, concrete production area, steel bar storage and processing area, test material area and technology research and development area. Mainly used for research and development of marine engineering technology, shipment and installation of prefabricated building modules, prefabricated shipment of gravity caisson, production and shipment of large-scale steel structures and sea-crossing bridges, offshore wind power infrastructure, etc.

It is reported that after the project is fully put into production, it will form an annual production capacity of 150,000 cubic meters of prefabricated building modules, 200,000 cubic meters of caisson prefabricated components, 20,000 tons of steel piles and 20,000 tons of offshore wind turbine tower structures. It plays a positive role in promoting the conversion of new and old kinetic energy and promoting the construction of a powerful marine province.

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