"Five Persistences" in Jilin Province, promoting the transformation of old community



The Information Office of the Jilin Provincial Government recently held a press conference on the livelihoods of the whole province in 2021. It is clear that in 2021, the renovation tasks of 1,623 communities and about 390,000 residents in Jilin Province will be included in the national annual renovation plan. In accordance with relevant requirements, it is necessary to achieve full-scale start-up.

The relevant person in charge of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Jilin Province said that the transformation of old urban communities is an important decision of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, an ardent expectation of the people, and a focus on improving public services and strengthening grassroots governance. Jilin Province will, in accordance with the directions and requirements of the basic, perfect, and promotion categories prescribed by the state, guide all localities to do a scientific and realistic "14th Five-Year Plan" plan and the 2021 annual plan for the transformation of old communities and the preparation of the "One Community One Plan" in accordance with local conditions. At the same time, adhere to planning and coordination, adhere to the focus, adhere to the orderly implementation, adhere to the promotion of science, adhere to the exemplary leadership, and work with relevant departments directly under the province to focus on organization and implementation, and continue to advance to ensure the completion of this major livelihood project with high quality. 

In the process of rebuilding old communities in cities and towns, Jilin Province will also solve major issues such as fund raising, project approval, illegal building demolition, quality and safety assurance, and long-term management mechanism.

Excerpt from "China Construction News"

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