The completed area of green buildings in Hubei Province will reach more than 70% next year


How to reduce noise and dust pollution in the process of project construction, so that buildings can be energy-saving and environmentally friendly when used? On March 4th, the province's housing construction and municipal engineering green construction technology innovation consortium was established in Han, and it is planned to use three years of practice to summarize a batch of green construction achievements and experience to be promoted across the province.

Green construction refers to the engineering activities that achieve green construction requirements and produce green building products through green design. The consortium was initiated by the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and led by Wuhan Hanyang Municipal Construction Group Co., Ltd. The consortium includes a group of industry-university-research units and government departments such as Zhongnan Architectural Design Institute, China Construction Eighth Bureau Zhongnan Construction Co., Ltd. and other government departments.

At the kick-off meeting, the implementation plan (discussion draft) of the scientific and technological innovation consortium of housing construction and municipal engineering green construction was released. The plan preliminarily lists the key green construction technologies involved in the housing construction and municipal engineering pilot projects from three aspects: green design technology, green construction technology, and green information technology, and clarifies the division of labor of member units and the implementation steps of the plan.

The plan pointed out that in three years, it is planned to form a set of integrated application lists of key green construction innovations and technical guidance documents that can be replicated and promoted, formulate a set of effective implementation mechanisms to promote the transformation of green construction results, and build a batch of green construction demonstration projects. The series of results formed by the consortium will be promoted and applied across the province in the third year.

It is understood that during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, our province added 242 million square meters of energy-saving building area, and gained 47.73 million square meters of green building evaluation marks. By 2022, it is planned that the completed area of green buildings in the province will account for more than 70%.

The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said that green construction is the general trend and promising. In addition to the green construction technology innovation consortium, in the near future, our province will also set up three major innovation consortia led by enterprises, including smart construction and residential quality improvement. Give full play to the main role of enterprise technological innovation, and add new momentum to the high-quality development of the province's housing and construction industry.

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