Multiple policies in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province to promote the development of prefabricated buildings


Recently, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province issued the "Supplementary Notice of Zhengzhou Municipal People’s Government on Vigorously Promoting the Development of Prefabricated Buildings", pointing out Zhengzhou's prefabricated development goals, policy incentives, etc., do a more scientific and reasonable promotion of Zhengzhou prefabricated buildings, and vigorously promote the development of prefabricated buildings.

It is understood that the "Implementation Opinions of the People's Government of Zhengzhou on Vigorously Promoting the Development of Prefabricated Buildings" clearly stipulates that financial subsidies will be given to prefabricated buildings, and the financial subsidy standard for prefabricated buildings will continue until the end of 2025. Financial subsidies for prefabricated buildings in key areas (except Zhengzhou Airport Area) shall be borne by the municipal finance of Zhengzhou, and financial subsidies for prefabricated buildings in Zhengzhou Airport Area, counties (cities) and Shangjie district shall be borne by the local finance of the project.

For projects constructed with prefabricated building technology (using prefabricated thermal insulation outer protective walls or glass curtain walls), the prefabricated part of the external wall construction area is not included in the floor area ratio, but the construction area should not exceed 3% of the total construction area. For projects constructed with prefabricated construction technology, the increased cost shall be included in the project construction cost.

For prefabricated commercial housing projects that have invested more than 25% of the total investment in development and construction, the project progress has reached plus or minus zero, and the construction progress and completion and delivery date have been determined, the pre-sale permit can be applied to the real estate management department to obtain the pre-sale permit.

In Zhengzhou, The prefabricated construction bases reviewed by the prefabricated construction department of Zhengzhou and won the title of national, provincial, and municipal prefabricated construction industrial bases will be granted municipal financial subsidies of 5 million yuan, 3 million yuan, and 2 million yuan respectively, the cumulative bonus does not exceed 5 million yuan.

During the early warning period of heavy pollution weather orange and below, the production, transportation and construction operations of prefabricated construction projects shall not be suspended in principle. For transportation of non-disintegrable and ultra-long, ultra-wide, and ultra-high prefabricated parts, enterprises should go through franchise procedures in advance in accordance with relevant regulations, and relevant departments should open green channels to speed up the procedures.

It is reported that the prefabricated development goal of Zhengzhou City is to adopt prefabricated construction technology for the construction of new projects in the built-up areas of Zhengzhou's downtown area and areas within the Third Ring Road from 2021. In areas outside the Third Ring Road in the built-up area of the central city of Zhengzhou, all affordable housing, government investment and state-owned enterprise investment projects (except industrial buildings and storage houses), and new commercial housing projects with a total construction area of 100,000 square meters and above in 2021. Projects with a total construction area of 80,000 square meters and above in 2022; projects with a total construction area of 60,000 square meters and above in 2024 should be constructed with prefabricated construction technology. The proportion of prefabricated buildings in the city’s area of newly built buildings will reach more than 30% in 2021, more than 40% from 2022 to 2023, and more than 50% from 2024 to 2025.

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