Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei: Jinghai District's prefabricated construction industry makes every effort to build a demonstration zone for docking services in Xiong'an New District


It is connected with the ecological context of Xiongan New Area and has a regional and cultural affinity. As an important node for the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the bridgehead for the city to connect, support and serve the new construction of Xiongan, Jinghai District is fully committed to building a demonstration zone that connects and serves the Xiongan New Area. Strengthen the industrial docking, planning interconnection, transportation interconnection, and coordinated development with Xiong'an New Area to form a benign interaction.

Relying on the advantages of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the prefabricated construction industry is developing rapidly in Jinghai District. Regarding the capacity layout of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei prefabricated buildings, Jinghai District is actively aligning policy directions with the Industrial Center of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. In terms of scientific and technological research and development, it cooperates with Beijing Institute of Architecture, Tianjin University and other scientific research institutions. In terms of corporate strategic cooperation, it has joined forces with related enterprises in Hebei Province. The "Tianjin Modern Construction Industrial Park" declared by Jinghai District was approved as a national prefabricated construction industrial base in September 2020. At present, the total investment of enterprises in the industrial park is 5 billion yuan, and the output value reached 13 billion yuan last year. After all, the annual output value will reach 35 billion yuan.

At the same time, Jinghai District makes full use of the prefabricated construction industry to serve the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. In 2020, Jinghai District prefabricated building component manufacturers provided 210,000 cubic meters of precast concrete components, 6,300 tons of steel structural components, 980,000 square meters of energy-saving maintenance panels, and 1.1 million square meters of truss panels for the construction of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. Especially in the intensive construction process of Xiongan New District, batch after batch of prefabricated building components were sent from Jinghai to this place, and they were used in the construction projects such as the housing project in the Rongdong area of Xiongan New District and the Xiong'an Civic Center. In 2019, the Jinghai District Prefabricated Construction Industry Innovation Alliance set up an office in Xiongan to expand the influence of the Jinghai District prefabricated construction industry in Xiong'an and surrounding areas through media promotion, exchanges and related exhibitions.

The prefabricated construction industry is just a microcosm of Jinghai District's construction of a demonstration zone that connects with Xiong'an New District. According to reports, in addition to strengthening industrial docking, Jinghai District pays attention to the docking of development plans: Learning from the planning and construction concepts of Beijing and Xiong'an New District, the "14th Five-Year Plan", the land and space master plan, the special plan for the integration of the four networks of rail transit and the Dongdian wetland plan were prepared with high standards and actively build a planning system that meets the requirements of "Xiongan Quality". Strengthen adult vocational education, improve industry, industry, enterprise, occupation, professional "five industry linkage" production and education integration mechanism, and prepare a talent reserve for the needs of skilled talents in Xiongan New Area. In addition, a seminar on collaborative development of education was held to exchange education and teaching, characteristic development, campus culture and cooperation.

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