Ningxia will start the renovation of 300 old communities in cities and towns this year


Recently, the 85th executive meeting of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Government reviewed and approved the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Reconstruction of Old Communities in Urban Areas", clarifying that in 2021, the entire district will start to renovate 300, 1,000 buildings and 40,000 households in urban old communities. By the end of 2022, a mature institutional framework, policy system and working mechanism for the transformation of old communities in cities and towns will be formed.

The opinions demanded that the focus be on the renovation of the old communities built before the end of 2000. If the main structure of the house has hidden safety hazards, it has been included in the urban shantytown reconstruction plan, the residential houses to be rebuilt through the demolition of newly built residential houses, and the areas and urban villages where residents mainly build their own houses are not included in the scope of urban old community reconstruction.

The people's governments of all cities and counties (districts) are the main body responsible for the transformation of old communities in cities and towns. It is necessary to mobilize resources from all aspects to organize and implement, and comprehensively promote the transformation of old communities. In light of actual conditions, the content of the transformation shall be determined according to the three types of basic, perfect, and promotion according to local conditions, and promote the implementation of the project. The establishment of a mechanism for the government, residents, and social forces to reasonably share the reform funding mechanism, including the rational implementation of residents' funding responsibilities, increasing government funding support, encouraging units to invest in reforms, and promoting the participation of social forces.

The Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region will commend the cities and counties with high quality standards for the reconstruction of old communities and high satisfaction with the people based on the performance evaluation results and audit conclusions of the reconstruction of old communities in accordance with relevant national regulations, and give preference to projects and financial support. For cities and counties with low performance evaluation results and many problems found in the audit, reduce project and financial support, and conduct interviews at the same time and report them to the whole district.

Excerpt from "China Construction News"

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