Wuzhishan City, Hainan Province will promote prefabricated building area of 118,700 square meters in 2021



On March 3, the seventh meeting of the Fourth People's Congress of Wuzhishan City was held. It was mentioned at the meeting that in 2021, Wuzhishan will accelerate the pace of ecological civilization construction and complete the relocation and resettlement of 5 ecological relocation villages in the core area of the national park. It is necessary to promote the prefabricated building area to reach 118,700 square meters, accounting for more than 80% of the newly built building area.

Support the construction of tropical rainforest national parks, complete the relocation and resettlement of 5 ecological relocation villages in the core area of the national park, and plan for the industrial development of the relocated people, employment, education and medical care. Relying on the construction of pilot cities and counties for comprehensive ecological compensation across the country, explore the establishment of a diversified ecological compensation mechanism, an ecological redemption mechanism and an ecological relocation working mechanism, and further strengthen the Wuzhishan ecological protection barrier. Implement the comprehensive "ban on plastics" requirements, strengthen the supervision of circulation links, publicity and education, and severely crack down on illegal activities such as production and sales. Expand the effectiveness of the promotion and application of new energy vehicles. The promotion of prefabricated building area reached 118,700 square meters, accounting for more than 80% of the newly built building area. Complete the national "two mountains" theoretical practice innovation base and the annual goal of building a national ecological civilization demonstration city.

Carry out special rectification. Intensively carry out special rectification of outstanding problems in the field of land use and project bidding, and initiate the implementation of special rectification of outstanding problems in the field of land and space planning. Strengthen the management of urban construction sites, severely crack down on the behavior of muck trucks carrying mud on the road, and ensure that the air quality always maintains the first-class level. Continue to carry out the "clearing the four chaos" operations in rivers and lakes. Speed up the construction of rural sewage treatment facilities, complete the four administrative village sewage treatment facilities under construction, and entrust professional companies to manage and maintain all urban and rural sewage treatment facilities. Six domestic waste transfer stations have been built, and pilot domestic waste classification will be carried out in New Village of Shuiman Township, Tongjia Village of Nansheng Township, and Caoban Village of Changhao Township. Deepen the rectification of feedback from the Central Ecological Environmental Protection Inspector and the Provincial Ecological Environmental Protection 100-day Inspector, and carry out key follow-up supervision on issues that are prone to rebound such as noise and oil fume pollution.

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