1 billion! China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau adds regional headquarters



On February 25th, Liangjiang New District held a signing event for the centralized cloud of investment projects, with more than 30 signed projects. Among them, China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. plans to invest 1 billion yuan to establish a regional headquarters in Liangjiang New District.

It is reported that the project is a subsidiary of China State Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Fortune 500 company China State Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. In order to seize the strategic opportunity for the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Double City Economic Circle, the China Construction Eighth Bureau Liangjiang Construction Co., Ltd. was registered in Liangjiang New District. This is not only the company's first corporate enterprise established in Chongqing, but also the regional headquarters established in Liangjiang New District.

"China Construction Eighth Bureau Liangjiang Construction Co., Ltd. has a good foundation for development and is currently undergoing industrial and commercial registration." According to Luo Heng, marketing manager of the Southwest Company of China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau, China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau is the first domestic enterprise to have the “Three Special Three A” qualifications for general contracting of construction engineering, highway engineering, and municipal public engineering construction and Class A for industry design. Mainly engaged in the three major businesses of investment, construction and operation. In Chongqing, he successively undertook a large number of quality projects and boutique projects such as the Luban Prize Project Jiangbei Airport T3A Terminal Building Project, the National High-quality Project Xinguangtiandi, Chongqing Raffles B Section, Longhu Shapingba Hub, Yuelai Convention and Exhibition Headquarters Base, Longxing Football Stadium, the second phase of Guangyang Island ecological restoration, Jiefangbei Fashion and Culture City, Jiangbei Airport T3B terminal and fourth runway, and Lijia Wisdom Pavilion.

In order to better serve the development of Chongqing and promote the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing dual-city economic circle, the China Construction Eighth Bureau Liangjiang Construction Co., Ltd. was born with the opportunity to better conduct design, construction, investment, operation and other businesses.

After the establishment of China Construction Eighth Bureau Liangjiang Construction Co., Ltd., it will focus on smart construction and investment development, and give full play to the advantages of the whole industry chain integrating design, investment, construction and operation. Utilize the advantages of digital construction technology and scientific research and development to help the construction of the "Smart City" of Liangjiang New Area, and promote the high-quality development of Liangjiang New Area to a new level.

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