As prefabricated buildings rise to the top, brokerages predict that Zhuyou Intelligent Manufacturing Technology's revenue may double this year


Anli Securities released its first coverage report on January 28, and gave a "Buy" rating to Drawin Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Group Co., Ltd., a listed sector of Drawin Group, with a target price of HK$1.5.

The report pointed out that as a leading company in the prefabricated construction industry, Drawin Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Group Co., Ltd. has benefited from the support of national policies. Under the background of the rapid development of the domestic prefabricated construction industry, the company has achieved rapid development in many aspects, and the future can be expected. 

The utilization rate of production capacity has increased significantly, supporting the annual revenue contract value to exceed RMB 1 billion. The output of prefabricated building components and products of Drawin Intelligent Manufacturing Technology for the whole year of 2020 increased by 66% year-on-year, and sales volume increased by 72% year-on-year. The company's management expects the capacity utilization rate to increase from less than 30% in 2019 to 50% in 2021.

Synergistic effects have been created with Jianye Group, the group's contract value has risen steadily, and the gardening business and decoration business are in an explosive period, and the annual revenue is expected to double. Drawin Intelligent Manufacturing Technology, together with Jianye Real Estate and Jianye New Life under the Jianye Group, have completed full coverage of the entire real estate industry. The Group has a huge potential order reserve, and the newly created new business model covering the entire industry chain is entering an order burst period, and its market share is expected to further increase.

Power smart digital factory is the pioneer of big data development in prefabricated construction industry. Drawin Intelligent Manufacturing Technology has signed strategic cooperation agreements with many well-known companies, including Jingdong Group, to deploy intelligent digital factories in many provinces and cities across the country. With the help of's strong operational capabilities, information technology will be connected to the entire life cycle of buildings to create smart buildings. In the future, the two parties will form a broad cooperation in real-name system and intelligent management, intelligent material management, centralized procurement of industrial products, intelligent management of factory equipment and technology upgrade, and comprehensive cost reduction of assembly.

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