3529 old community renovation projects were started in Hunan Province



This Spring Festival, the residents of Huangguoyuan District, Shentan Community, Baichunyuan Street, Daxiang District, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, spent time in a newly-looking community.

It is understood that in 2020, Hunan Province will start to transform 2,135 old communities in cities and towns, benefiting more than 300,000 residents.

The Huangguoyuan area is an old community built in the 1980s with dilapidated houses, poor roads, and aging water and electricity facilities. After more than three months of renovation, the residents here celebrated the Spring Festival in "Xinjia" this year.

Due to the early construction time and unreasonable planning and design, many cities and towns have a large number of old communities with imperfect infrastructure and inconvenient life for residents, which has become a major shortcoming of modern urban life.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Hunan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, as a system project to promote urban renewal, Hunan Province focuses on the residential communities built before 2000, and strives to transform and improve infrastructure such as water, electricity, gas, and information. Develop services such as elderly care, nursery care, and catering to effectively improve the living conditions and living environment of the people.

At present, most of the 4144 planned renovation of old communities in Hunan Province in 2019 and 2020 have been completed. Chang Lushan, Director of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hunan Province, said that this year Hunan Province will comprehensively promote the transformation of old urban communities to ensure that all the communities listed in previous years’ plans are completed. This year, all 3,529 communities will start construction.

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