Xian'an, Hubei: Taking multiple measures to promote the rapid development of green buildings



In order to effectively promote energy conservation and emission reduction in the construction field of Xian'an District, to ensure that green construction projects benefit society, humanity and the ecological environment. In recent years, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Xian'an District has actively promoted green building work throughout the district, actively doing a good job in the promotion of new wall materials, building energy conservation and green building implementation, effectively promoting the rapid development of green buildings.

First, we should clarify responsibilities. It clearly defines the responsibilities of each department and unit in the supervision of building energy efficiency, and requires each to perform its own duties and responsibilities, places green building energy efficiency work in a more prominent position, and conscientiously implements relevant policies.

Second, we should strengthen publicity. We should actively do a good job in the promotion of green buildings and new building energy-saving technologies, and strengthen enterprises and individuals' awareness of building energy-saving and green building applications.

The third is to pay close attention to the source. We will start at the source and strengthen the management of building energy-saving materials registration, focusing on the review of construction drawing design documents, design changes, green building special construction plan and supervision plan preparation and approval, technology transfer and demonstration model confirmation, and random inspection of energy-saving materials delivery and physical inspection. To investigate and deal with the unauthorized modification and reduction of energy-saving insulation measures. Implementing green building special acceptance supervision, actively carrying out energy-saving drill core testing and thermal performance on-site testing and supervision.

The fourth is process supervision. Strengthening supervision of the whole process of building energy efficiency in new construction projects, with emphasis on supervision and inspection of supervisory units to observe and record the construction of green building projects and on-site sampling of materials. We should further improve the closed supervision from planning and design to completion and acceptance, effectively improve the implementation rate of energy-saving construction of new buildings, and ensure the quality of energy-saving building projects.

The fifth is to actively guide. We can vigorously promote the application of new building materials, actively guide the construction of green buildings, and expand the coverage of new technologies in civil construction technology and construction equipment installation technology.

Sixth, focused demonstration. We should make good use of green building promotion, carry out green building demonstrations for government-invested projects and livelihood projects, and vigorously promote the implementation of green building model projects.

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