Nearly 80 new buildings in cities and towns in Fujian Province will become green buildings in 2020


A few days ago, the Fujian Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued a report on the progress of the province's green building work. Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", Fujian Province has vigorously promoted green buildings and built a total of 178 million square meters of green buildings. Among them, in 2020, the green building area of the new urban buildings in the province will account for 77.78%.

“Since 2020, Fujian Province has further increased its green construction efforts. In the whole year, the province implemented 2,907 green building standard projects with a construction area of 119 million square meters. The implementation of mandatory energy-saving standards for newly built buildings in cities and towns has basically reached 100%, and the completed energy-saving building area is 70.18 million square meters, of which 77.78% is green buildings.” According to the person in charge of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, in addition, 6 universities including Fuzhou University have established an energy-saving monitoring platform to carry out energy consumption statistics for 4540 buildings.

According to statistics, during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the province has received a total of 408 green building label projects with a label area of 53.21 million square meters, 65 building materials products have received green building materials labels, and 699 BIM pilot projects such as green buildings and prefabricated buildings have been implemented. The total area of urban buildings that have implemented energy-saving standards has reached 886.17 million square meters, and the building area is 7.3 million square meters using renewable energy such as solar thermal photovoltaics, ground source heat pumps, and high-efficiency air source heat pumps. The completed energy-saving renovation of public buildings covers an area of 8.71 million square meters. This alone can save 54,000 tons of standard coal and reduce 133,000 tons of CO_2 emissions.

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