The new testing base in Zhenjiang New District, Jiangsu Province was awarded the provincial green building innovation project


Good news came from the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Jiangsu Province a few days ago: The new testing base in Zhenjiang New District was awarded the 2020 Jiangsu Province Green Building Innovation Project. This is the project won another provincial award after the three-star green building operation logo.

The new area testing base project is located south of Gangnan Road and west of Beishan Road, with a total construction area of 8,650 square meters. The project started in September 2016, was awarded the three-star green building design logo in January 2017, and was completed and put into use in July 2018. In June 2020, it passed the on-site evaluation by experts of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and obtained the three-star green building operation logo, becoming the first building in our city to be awarded the highest level of the national green building evaluation system.

The project is designed and implemented in accordance with the three-star standard of green building. Among them, 2,322 square meters of office building in the east area is a passive ultra-low energy building. The so-called passive building is a building that does not "actively" consume energy through the installation of cooling and heating equipment, and only relies on the structural design of the building itself and the energy collected from the surrounding environment to maintain a comfortable winter and summer indoor environment. The project uses more than 20 green building energy-saving technologies such as ultra-low energy passive houses, high-efficiency energy tower heat pump air conditioning systems, sponge cities, rainwater reuse systems, and water-saving sprinkler irrigation systems, which can achieve a comprehensive building energy saving rate of 85.2%.

This green building pays particular attention to the use of natural light. The sloping roof of the building is equipped with a solar photovoltaic power generation system of 640 square meters, and the proportion of electricity provided by renewable energy is 17.09%. 80 sets of light pipe systems are installed on the roof and the outer wall of the first floor. The natural light is captured by the outdoor light collector, transmitted through the light pipe, and finally diffused into the room by the diffuser. The reporter saw in the corridors and underground garages on each floor of the building that there was no need to turn on the lights. The "end" of the light pipe system provided sufficient light sources. This alone can save 20,000 yuan in electricity bills every year.

The indoor air quality monitoring system allows this building to achieve autonomous and healthy "breathing". According to the staff of the Urban and Rural Construction Bureau of the New District, the building is equipped with temperature sensors and air quality concentration detectors at multiple points to monitor air quality and energy consumption in real time. For example, in underground garages that produce a lot of carbon monoxide, once the carbon monoxide concentration exceeds the limit, the fan automatically turns on for ventilation; when the carbon monoxide concentration returns to normal, the fan automatically stops.

The relevant person in charge of the Zhenjiang Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau stated that after the green renovation project of the old city government won the second prize of the Provincial Green Building Innovation Award, the green building of Zhenjiang City won the provincial honor again. It provides a demonstration and guidance for Zhenjiang City to promote high-quality and large-scale development of green buildings.

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