"Anhui Construction" reached a new level, the added value of the construction industry accounted for more than 10% of the province's GDP



Recently, the reporter learned from the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Anhui Province that since the "13th Five-Year Plan", the role of the pillar industry in Anhui Province's construction industry has continued to increase. The added value of the construction industry accounted for more than 10% of the province's GDP, driving nearly 2 million jobs. There were 31 construction enterprises with special qualifications for general construction contracting, an increase of 25 from the end of 2015, and the total number ranked seventh in the country. "Anhui Construction" has reached a new level.

"Building a house like a car" "Assemble a floor in a week"...... Such prefabricated construction methods are becoming more and more on the land of Jianghuai. The prefabricated building is a building that transfers a large amount of on-site work in the traditional construction method to the factory, where the building components and accessories are processed in the factory, and then transported to the construction site. The building is assembled and installed on-site through a reliable connection method. It has the advantages of fast construction speed, easy control of construction quality, low construction energy consumption, low noise and low pollution. In the past five years, the scale of development of prefabricated buildings and green buildings in Anhui Province has continued to increase, with 12 new national prefabricated building industrial bases newly started, and an average annual growth of 26.85% in prefabricated buildings. An additional 200 million square meters of green buildings will be added, and 100% of new urban buildings will implement mandatory energy-saving standards.

In 2020, the pace of transformation and development of the construction industry will further accelerate. In the whole year, 20 construction enterprises with first-class qualification for general construction contracting, 22 enterprises with first-class qualification for survey and design, and 37 enterprises with first-class qualification for engineering cost were added. 20 provincial-level prefabricated construction industrial bases were newly added, and the prefabricated construction area accounted for 76.99% of the newly completed construction area.

Relevant persons in charge of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Anhui Province said that they will further build a modern construction industry system marked by "Anhui Construction". It is planned to add 1 to 2 enterprises with comprehensive qualifications for general construction contracting and more than 30 enterprises with Grade A qualifications this year. Actively promote cross-industry and cross-professional mergers and reorganizations of construction enterprises, and expand into professional fields such as railways, water conservancy, electric power, and rail transit. Support the cooperation between construction enterprises in our province and central enterprises to participate in the construction of the "Belt and Road". Vigorously develop prefabricated buildings to achieve greater improvement in the comprehensive competitiveness of "Anhui Construction".

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