Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region issues guidance on the transformation of old communities in cities and towns


Recently, the People’s Government of the Autonomous Region has issued and implemented the "Guiding Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Reconstruction of Old Communities in Urban Areas" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), which clarified the objectives, tasks, scope and support policies for the transformation of old communities in cities and towns, and comprehensively promoted the transformation of old communities in cities and towns.

The "Opinions" make it clear that the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region will focus on the transformation of old communities built before the end of 2000, and gradually implement the transformation of communities built after the end of 2000 in accordance with relevant national policies. Priority is given to the implementation of the renovation of communities that are older, have strong residents' willingness to renovate, and are highly motivated to participate. Localities determine the list and standards of transformation content in accordance with local conditions. Prioritize priorities, earnestly evaluate financial affordability, scientifically formulate plans for the transformation of old communities in cities and towns and annual transformation plans, and must not blindly raise debts. By the end of the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the task of renovating old communities in cities and towns completed before the end of 2000 has been basically completed.

According to the results of the previous survey by the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of the Autonomous Region, more than 5,000 old communities were built before the end of 2000 in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, involving more than 800,000 residents. In 2021, it is planned to start the renovation of 1,714 old communities in cities and towns, involving 231,500 households.

The "Opinions" clarified that a reasonable sharing mechanism should be established between the government, residents, and social forces for reform funds. In accordance with the principle of who benefits and who contributes funds, residents' investment can be implemented through direct investment, the use of (reconstruction, renewal) residential special maintenance funds, and the transfer of community public benefits. Support community residents withdrawing housing provident fund for self-housing renovation such as installing elevators. Government funds focus on supporting the content of basic transformation; strengthen the participation of social forces, and attract investment and participation of various enterprises to participate in the transformation through the cooperation of government and social capital.

The "Opinions" put forward that the content of renovation is divided into three categories. Among them, the basic category is to meet the safety needs and basic living needs of residents, mainly including the renovation and upgrading of water supply, drainage, power supply, weak current, roads, and fire protection within and related to the community. The perfect category is to meet the needs of residents for convenience and improved life, mainly the renovation and construction of the environment and supporting facilities, and the installation of elevators in buildings with conditions. The promotion category mainly refers to the supporting construction and intelligent transformation of public service facilities, including the transformation or construction of the community and surrounding community comprehensive service facilities, public health facilities such as health service stations, and educational facilities such as kindergartens.

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