Li Changhai: Prefabricated buildings in Hubei Province exceed the 2020 target


Li Changhai, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hubei Province

Signed article: "Hubei: Struggle for a New Era and Write a New Chapter"

Looking back on the past five years,From "housing, water, and clothing" (housing security, sewage treatment, decentralization and service) to "housing, governance, and service" (housing, governance, and service economy). From highlighting the two major themes of development and people's livelihood to grasping the two major issues of development and security. The housing and urban-rural construction system of Hubei Province is closely linked to the goal and task of building a well-off society in an all-round way. It adheres to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, adheres to the new development concept, and takes supply-side structural reform as the main line, and resolutely wins the three major battles. Focusing on promoting high-quality development, Hubei Province has achieved historic new achievements in housing and urban-rural construction.

During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, with the goal of building a strong province in the construction industry, Hubei has seized opportunities, deepened reforms, and accelerated transformation and upgrading, and achieved remarkable results.

First, the scale of the industry continues to grow. The Hubei Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government attach great importance to the development of the construction industry, and have successively issued important policy documents such as "Opinions on Accelerating the Modernization of the Construction Industry" and "20 Opinions on Promoting the Reform and Development of the Construction Industry in the Province" to support the accelerated development of the construction industry. From 2016 to 2019, the total output value of the construction industry in the province completed 5.74 trillion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 12.44%. The added value reached 1052.4 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 11.02%. The added value accounted for about 7% of the province’s GDP, and the resulting employment remained at about 2.6 million annually.

The second is the rapid development of advantageous enterprises. The housing and urban-rural development departments at all levels in the province vigorously promoted the spirit of "nothing, no disturbance, and responsiveness", and established a system of matching enterprises. Activities such as the "Quality Improvement Year for Service Enterprises" and "Sinking of Enterprises and Helping Enterprises to Relieve" were successively carried out to increase support for the cultivation of key enterprises. In the past five years, 14 special-grade construction enterprises in Hubei Province have been added, bringing the total to 32. In 2019, 25 construction enterprises were selected as one of the top 100 enterprises in the province.

Third, the transformation of construction methods is gradually accelerating. The province’s prefabricated construction production bases grew from scratch to 76, and more than 80 enterprises, with an application area of 23.35 million square meters. The goal of "not less than 10 million square meters by 2020" has been exceeded, and 3 demonstration cities and 13 demonstration bases nationwide will be established. The province has added 4.2266 million tons of standard coal for building energy-saving capacity and 317 million square meters of new energy-saving building area. The province has obtained green building evaluation and identification projects with a construction area of 62,732,600 square meters, and has completed a total of 14,935,800 square meters of energy-saving renovation of existing buildings, all of which exceeded the "13th Five-Year Plan" target tasks.

Fourth, the quality of project construction has been steadily improved. Strictly implement the life-long quality responsibility system of the five-party responsible entities, solidly carry out the pilot project of the "Engineering Quality and Safety Manual", and increase the intensity of quality and safety informatization supervision. There have been no major fatal accidents or more in the province, and the number of fatalities in the output value of the construction industry of 10 billion yuan has been controlled within 0.32. The province's construction projects have won 11 China Construction Engineering Luban Awards (National Quality Projects), 46 National Quality Engineering Awards, and 287 National Excellent Engineering Survey and Design Industry Awards.

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