Jiaozuo City, Henan Province further promotes the healthy development of prefabricated buildings in the city



In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Party and the Central Economic Work Conference, the provincial and municipal "Implementation Opinions on Vigorously Developing Prefabricated Buildings" are implemented. Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-rural Development and other eight departments "Opinions on Accelerating the Implementation of Supporting Policies for the Development of Prefabricated Buildings" and other documents. To accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, and to further promote the healthy development of the city's prefabricated buildings, the "Implementation Plan for Further Promoting the Development of Prefabricated Buildings in Jiaozuo City" was officially released recently.

The "Plan" first clarified the goals and tasks to promote the development of prefabricated buildings. That is, from the date of publication, prefabricated buildings account for no less than 25% of the newly built buildings in the city, and it will increase by 5 percentage points year by year, and no less than 40% by the end of 2025. The proportion of prefabricated buildings in new projects invested by the government and state-owned enterprises is not less than 60% and not less than a single unit, and it will increase by 10% year by year, reaching 100% by the end of 2025. Prefabricated sandwich insulation wall panels should be used for the external walls of prefabricated buildings; village houses are encouraged to promote prefabricated steel structure rural houses.

Strengthen the organization and leadership to promote the development of prefabricated buildings, and the "Plan" establishes and improves the joint meeting system. Led by the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Housing Provident Fund Management Center and other relevant departments are organized to hold regular joint meetings. Coordinate to solve major problems in the process of prefabricated building promotion, and coordinate to promote the development of prefabricated building industry, technological innovation and other major issues.

In order to standardize the work process and service the implementation of prefabricated projects, the "Plan" clearly stipulates items such as project initiation management, land transfer or allocation, planning permission and verification, design documents and review, and construction permission. In order to speed up the development of prefabricated buildings, the "Plan" provides policy support in terms of increasing environmental protection support, clarifying financial rewards and supplementary support, and guaranteeing transportation.

The "Plan" requires relevant parties to promote mature technologies and adopt prefabricated parts and components; improve the supervision and management system to promote the high-quality development of buildings; increase publicity and training to improve the level of prefabrication; strengthen tracking and inquiry effectiveness, and strengthen supervision and assessment. The "Plan" emphasizes that the completion of prefabricated buildings has been included in the "dual control" target responsibility evaluation system for total annual energy consumption and intensity of governments at all levels. All relevant departments should further improve the annual target evaluation mechanism for prefabricated buildings, strengthen work assessment, regular supervision and guidance, and promote the completion of goals. The Municipal Prefabricated Building Work Leading Group Office will organize the departments of natural resources and planning, development and reform, ecological environment, transportation and other departments to "look back" on the implementation of the prefabricated building construction policy to ensure that the policy is implemented.

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