Wang Liye: The development of prefabricated buildings in Shanxi basically builds local standards and technical systems for the whole process management covering mainstream technologies


Wang Liye, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of Shanxi Province

Signed Article: "Shanxi: Demonstrating Five-Year Work Achievements, Opening up a New Situation in Sanjin Land"

Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", the housing and urban-rural construction system of Shanxi Province has adhered to the new development concept, reformed and innovated, and worked hard. The targets and tasks of the "13th Five-Year Plan" have been fully completed, and the province's housing and urban-rural construction has taken new steps on the road of high-quality development. Among them, the construction industry, as a traditional pillar industry in Shanxi Province, has made important contributions to the development of the province's national economy, the construction of urban and rural environments, and the improvement of people's livelihood while it continues to grow.

The output value of the construction industry hit a record high. The province's construction industry output value maintained a steady growth, with an average annual growth rate of more than 12%, and the total volume continued to rise. It is expected that it will exceed the 500 billion yuan mark by the end of 2020. The accumulated total profit and tax is expected to be more than 100 billion yuan, an increase of more than 17 billion yuan over the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period, an increase of more than 20%. The number of employees in the construction industry in the province has stabilized at more than one million, accounting for 5.9% of the total number of employees in the society, and has played an important role in promoting urban and rural construction and the development of new urbanization.

Industry competitiveness has increased significantly. The overall strength of the province's superior enterprises and key enterprises has been greatly enhanced. The number of construction enterprises with special qualifications has increased from 7 to 20 32, an increase of 186%. There are 124 companies with Grade A qualification for survey and design, and the completed output value of construction companies above the first level accounted for 72.5%, which is an increase of 2.5 percentage points from the end of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period. The industry's leading role has been further enhanced.

Initial results have been achieved in the development of prefabricated buildings. 18 industrial bases have been built and put into production one after another, and 4 are planned to be built under construction, with an estimated production capacity of 22.8 million square meters. Issued local standards such as "Technical Regulations for Steel Frame Structures of Prefabricated Diagonal Braced Joints" and "Technical Standards for Prefabricated Concrete Buildings", and issued the "Guidelines for the Design of Prefabricated Buildings in Shanxi Province" and the pricing basis (quota) for prefabricated construction projects. The local standards and technical system covering the whole process management of component production, design, construction, and acceptance of the mainstream technology of prefabricated buildings have basically been established.

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