Shanghai releases ten major action plans to promote "architectural readable" into the 3.0 digital era


A few days ago, the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism held a media press conference and officially released the "Ten Action Plans for Building Readable in 2021". It is clear that big data, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, cloud platforms and other digital methods will be used to comprehensively promote the work of "building readable" into the 3.0 digital era.

Fang Shizhong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, stated that "architectures can be read" is an important tool for the deep integration of Shanghai's culture and tourism and cultural tourism services for the people's livelihood. The service level of "blocks can be strolled" and "architectures can be read" should be comprehensively improved. It is necessary to adapt to the new needs of the digital transformation of social life, promote the deep integration of culture, tourism and digital technology, upgrade the tourism experience, and enhance the convenience of citizen tourists to participate in tourism activities. This year, Shanghai will carry out the ten major actions of "architectural reading" to promote "architectural reading" from version 1.0 of "scan code reading" and version 2.0 of "architecture open" to the new "digital transformation" version 3.0. Focus on achieving new breakthroughs in citizen satisfaction, social participation, and cross-border integration, and give full play to the important role of "architectural readable" in building the "Shanghai Culture" brand and creating high-quality life.

According to Fang Shizhong, the ten major actions of "architecture can be read" include the digitization of the "five people" experience and the systemization of the "five one" service. Among them, the "Five People" activity will adopt a method that young people love to hear, and cooperate with various digital new media to build a digital omnimedia operation matrix, widely mobilize social forces to participate, attract more citizens and tourists to enter the building and share the development results. Specifically, the "National Commentary" and Meituan cooperated to solicit opinions and suggestions from citizens and tourists on Shanghai city architectural tours. "Quanminzhuan" cooperated with Qingting FM to invite citizens and tourists to tell the story of Shanghai's architecture; "Quanminpai" cooperated with Tencent to solicit their own photographs of Shanghai architecture from citizens and tourists. "National Tour" cooperates with Xiaohongshu to attract users of Xiaohongshu to visit Shanghai architecture and publish travel guides related to architecture. "Zhongmin Chuang", in cooperation with Douyin and Dayin Bookstore, held the first "Architecture Readable" Souvenir Creative Design Competition.

 The "Five Ones" construction mainly includes the establishment of an alliance, the introduction of a set of standards, the establishment of a platform, the creation of a team, and the launch of a "package". For example, continue to hold the "Architecture Readable" cultural and creative market, and use it as the main platform for collective appearances, concentrated publicity, and agglomeration effects of the city's "Architectural Readable" work. A "package" refers to the selection of some classic buildings to carry out the "first floor, one "package"" pilot work, that is, each building is equipped with a stamp, a set of postcards, a book, a documentary, an explanation and research team, etc., from the perspectives of value interpretation, historical research, publicity and promotion, explanation and guidance, etc., "read" classic buildings in an all-round, multi-angle and in-depth manner.

At the meeting, the "2021 "Architecture Readable" Spring Check-in Recommended List" was also released, and six lists including Red Memory, Legendary Hotel, Aftertaste of the Years, Classic Check-in, New Internet Celebrities, and Ancient Charm were launched. Fully start a new era of digital transformation of Shanghai's "architectural readable".

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