Lu Tianxi: Jiangxi Province's production, processing, construction and assembly industry chain has gradually formed and continued to develop


Lu Tianxi, Director of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Jiangxi Province

Signed article: "Jiangxi: Make Urban and Rural Construction More Connotation, Make Service Management More Warm"

Housing and urban-rural construction are related to the overall economic and social development and the vital interests of the people. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, Jiangxi Province has achieved remarkable results in the development of housing and urban-rural construction, opening a new journey of high-quality leap-forward development. In terms of transformation and upgrading of the construction industry:

During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the construction industry in Jiangxi Province has accelerated its transformation and upgrading. The total output value of the construction industry is expected to be 3,367.9 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 14.6%. The total output value of the construction industry has risen from the 17th place in the country in 2015 to the 13th place in 2019, and the province's construction industry special-grade enterprises have increased from 6 to 22. Among the top 100 private enterprises in Jiangxi Province, there are 26 construction companies, and 5 of them have entered the top 250 global contractors list.

The establishment of an informatization supervision platform for the construction market has achieved remarkable results in project quality governance actions, the construction market has been continuously regulated, and the project quality has been continuously improved. A total of 18 projects in the province created the National Quality Construction Project Award (Luban Award), and 634 construction sites were awarded the title of "Safe and Civilized Construction Sites in Jiangxi Province".

The application of new technologies, new products, and new processes in the field of construction engineering continues to expand. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the prefabricated building production, processing, and construction assembly industry chain has gradually formed and continued to develop. There are 62 PC structure, wood structure, and steel structure prefabricated building industry bases in the province. The prefabricated industrial base has achieved full coverage of all districts and cities, three national-level bases have completed the assessment and acceptance, and the accumulated prefabricated construction area has exceeded 10 million square meters.

Jiangxi Province has become a national pilot province for steel structure prefabricated housing construction, and a total of 6 districts and cities have been listed as the first batch of prefabricated building demonstration cities in the country. Fuzhou City and Ganzhou City were recognized as the second batch of prefabricated construction model cities, and 8 enterprises and 1 park in the province were awarded the title of National Prefabricated Construction Industry Base.

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