Jinan City takes the lead in including healthy buildings in the scope of policy support to help build "Ecological Jinan"



On the afternoon of February 7, the Jinan Municipal Party Committee and Government held a press conference to interpret the recently issued "Implementation Opinions of Jinan Municipal People's Government on Comprehensively Promoting the High-quality Development of Green Buildings" (hereinafter referred to as "Implementation Opinions"). The director of the Green Building Energy Conservation and Technology Division of the Jinan Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau mentioned with satisfaction that the introduction of the "Implementation Opinions" will play a positive role in improving the quality of Jinan City and improving the living experience of the people.

Green building is a high-quality building that saves resources, protects the environment, reduces pollution, provides people with healthy, applicable and efficient use of space, and maximizes the harmony between man and nature. Healthy buildings are buildings that provide building users with a healthier environment, facilities and services, promote the physical and mental health of building users, and achieve improved health performance. Passive ultra-low energy building is a building that adapts to climate characteristics and natural conditions, minimizes building heating and cooling requirements, and makes full use of renewable energy to provide a comfortable indoor environment with less energy consumption and meet the basic requirements of green buildings. The prefabricated building is a building that adopts standardized design, factory production, assembly construction, information management, and intelligent application, and is assembled from prefabricated parts on the construction site.

According to reports, the "Implementation Opinions" clarified six key tasks for the high-quality development of green buildings during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, including promoting green buildings, improving the green performance of buildings, promoting green building materials and green construction, and creating green building industrial clusters. It puts forward clear rigid requirements and development goals for Jinan's green buildings, prefabricated buildings, green building materials, green construction, and building energy conservation. Focus on supporting the development of high-quality buildings such as high-star green buildings, high-star healthy buildings, passive ultra-low energy buildings and prefabricated buildings to ensure the high standards and high quality of Jinan construction during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period.

It is reported that the Jinan Municipal Party Committee and Government has taken the lead in bringing healthy buildings into the scope of policy support nationwide, and put forward the "Implementation Opinions" with strong support and wide coverage. It fully embodies the people-centered development thinking, is a vivid practice of accurately grasping the new development stage, thoroughly implementing the new development concept, advancing the supply-side structural reform, and promoting high-quality development during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. By leading the construction of high-standard and high-quality construction projects with perfect functions, green livability, health and safety, the living environment and living experience of the people of Jinan will be improved. And satisfy the people's yearning for a better life and enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.

Jinan will also promote the in-depth, composite and large-scale application of various types of renewable energy such as solar energy, geothermal energy, and air energy in buildings according to local conditions, actively promote the all-round development of green buildings, and effectively promote energy conservation and emission reduction in the field of housing construction. Lay a solid foundation for Jinan's energy transition and regional carbon neutrality, maximize the harmony between the urban area and nature, and implement green city construction with “carbon neutrality” as the core with practical actions.

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