He Maoxie: As of now, prefabricated buildings in Anhui account for 16.99% of the newly built building area



He Maoxie, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Anhui Province

Signed article: "Anhui: Strive to Build a Green Jianghuai Homeland"

Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", the housing and urban-rural construction system of Anhui Province has seized the historical opportunity to accelerate the development of new urbanization, resolutely won the "three tough battles", vigorously improved the level of urban construction management, and focused on improving the urban and rural living environment. At the same time, it has accelerated the construction of green Jianghuai beautiful homes, the province's housing and urban-rural development has made historic achievements, and made due contributions to the decisive victory in building a well-off society in all respects and the successful conclusion of the "13th Five-Year Plan". In the construction industry, vigorously develop "Huizhou Construction", accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, and become bigger and stronger, and the development quality and benefits of the construction industry have been continuously improved.

The pillar status of the construction industry is further enhanced. The General Office of the Provincial Government issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Reform of Engineering Construction Management and Promoting the Sustainable and Healthy Development of the Construction Industry." Optimize the qualification management of the construction industry, improve the bidding system, improve the project construction organization model, accelerate the implementation of general project contracting, and actively promote the entire process of engineering consulting. In 2019, the total output value and added value of the province's construction industry reached 850.326 billion yuan and 390.57 billion yuan, respectively, an increase of 49.3% and 2.2 times over 2015. The added value of the construction industry accounted for more than 10% of the province’s GDP, driving nearly 2 million jobs, and further enhancing the status and role of pillar industries.

The scale of high-level construction enterprises expanded. The Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Anhui Province, in conjunction with 15 departments, issued "Several Opinions on Further Cultivating and Growing Construction Enterprises". Intensify policy guidance, vigorously cultivate high-level qualified construction enterprises, and focus on cultivating a group of special-qualified enterprises such as municipal public utilities, highways, water conservancy and hydropower, port and waterway engineering, etc., to improve the competitiveness of construction enterprises. At present, there are 31 construction enterprises with special qualifications for general construction contracting in the province, an increase of 25 from the end of 2015. The total number ranks seventh in the country, and the scale and structure of enterprises are continuously optimized.

The promotion of prefabricated buildings and green buildings will be accelerated. The provincial government issued the "Opinions on Promoting the Development of the Prefabricated Construction Industry." Clarify development goals and safeguard measures, deploy and promote the cultivation of production entities, improve the industrial chain, expand market demand, open up development space, enhance competitiveness, strengthen quality management and other key tasks, and strive to increase the proportion of prefabricated buildings in new buildings. Carry out in-depth green building creation actions and strictly implement green building construction standards. Up to now, the province has 12 national prefabricated construction industrial bases and 20 provincial prefabricated industrial bases. The area of prefabricated buildings accounted for 16.99% of the area of newly built buildings, the newly added green buildings exceeded 200 million square meters, and the ratio of mandatory energy-saving standards for newly built urban buildings reached almost 100%.

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