Mandatory energy-saving for new and expanded buildings Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province promotes green building development with new policies


Recently, the executive meeting of Jiujiang Municipal Government reviewed and passed the "Administrative Measures for Energy Conservation and Green Building Development of Jiujiang Citizen Buildings". The meeting pointed out that strengthening civil building energy conservation and green building development management is an important task for optimizing resource allocation, promoting economic development, and building resource-saving cities. The whole city should further firmly establish the awareness of the scientific development concept, implement sustainable development into action, save resources, protect the environment, reduce pollution, and build a good living and space environment.

It is understood that building energy consumption in Jiujiang City accounts for a relatively high proportion of the city's total energy consumption, and building energy conservation has become an important part of the city's energy conservation work. The "Administrative Measures" clearly stipulates the purpose of formulation, scope of application, division of responsibilities, assessment and evaluation, management mechanism, energy conservation requirements, and legal responsibilities. Especially in terms of project establishment and land supply, planning and design, construction and acceptance, operation and transformation, guarantee and incentives. It specifies in detail the specific responsibilities of functional departments, construction, construction, project supervision, and real estate development enterprises in each link of building energy saving and green energy saving, which has strong operability.

At the same time, Jiujiang City has also incorporated civil building energy conservation and green building development into the city's high-quality evaluation system to promote strict implementation of mandatory standards for building energy conservation. The promulgation of the "Management Measures" provides a good system to follow in order to reduce the energy consumption of buildings, improve energy efficiency, improve environmental quality, and promote the sustainable development of Jiujiang's economy and society.

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