Hami City in Xinjiang completed the integration and transformation of 119 old communities to achieve effective sharing of public resources



The renovation of old communities is a major event related to people's livelihood. The relevant person in charge of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Hami City in Xinjiang revealed recently that since last year, Hami City has invested 150 million yuan to integrate and transform the existing 119 eligible communities into 28 group communities. And adopt a point-to-face, strong-to-weak approach to unified and integrated management, realizing effective sharing of public resources and comprehensive coverage of property management services.

Part of the building of the Fifth Middle School on Yingbin Road, Yizhou District, was built in the 1980s. Originally, the width of the road for vehicles in the community was less than 3 meters. There was no distinction between parking spaces for motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles, and no fire safety passages were reserved. As the community is close to the school, traffic is more congested when students go to and from school. In March 2020, the Yizhou District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau carried out a renovation plan for the community and demolished all "small bungalows" built illegally in the community. Carry out hardening and reasonable functional division of the vacated ground, and select qualified property service companies to carry out standardized management.

The staff said: "There used to be no property service companies specialized in management, and the environment was chaotic. Now the lanes in the community have been changed to two-lane lanes, parking spaces have been designated, and fire-fighting passages have been reserved. The standardized management after the transformation has brought convenience and safety to everyone."

Also benefiting from the policy of integration and transformation of old communities is the Woolen Mill Community, Jianshe East Road, Donghe Street, Yizhou District. The initial residents of the community have lived here for more than 30 years. In the past, due to the age and lack of management, issues such as the aging of community facilities, damage to houses, and potential safety hazards have become more and more prominent. In 2020, the government will integrate the woolen mill community with the surrounding Guangming Garden, Tonghe Garden, and Leading Garden, and uniformly transform the water supply and drainage, heating pipe network, greening, road lighting, and household waste classification collection facilities. The community environment is further improved, the infrastructure equipment is more complete, and public resources are effectively shared.

Resident Chen Changlian said: "Our community is a community left by an old enterprise. The bungalows are all adobe houses, many of them turned into dilapidated houses due to disrepair, and the community roads are also potholes. After the integration and transformation, the community environment is clean and tidy, and it feels great to live here."

According to reports, through the renovation, 119 old communities in Hami City have realized community green space, parking spaces and fitness equipment sharing, greatly improving the living environment of residents, and enhancing the sense of gain, happiness and security of the people. In 2021, the housing and urban-rural construction departments at all levels in Hami City will continue to follow the principle of “respect for public opinion, facilitate the people and benefit the people”, fully listen to the opinions of streets and communities, deepen the overall planning of the community, and further improve the level of urban construction management.

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