The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a video conference to promote government procurement, support green building materials, and promote the pilot work


Two departments hold a video conference

Promote government procurement, support green building materials, and promote the pilot work of building quality improvement

On January 28, the Treasury Department of the Ministry of Finance and the Department of Standards and Quotas of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a video conference to promote the pilot work of government procurement to support green building materials to promote the improvement of building quality, introduce the progress of the pilot work, exchange experience and practices, and arrange the next work.

At the meeting, six pilot cities in Nanjing, Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Huzhou, Qingdao, and Foshan introduced the progress since the start of the pilot work. Each pilot city attaches great importance to the pilot work, has established a pilot work promotion team, formulated implementation plans, and made positive progress in various tasks. At present, the scope of the pilot work is getting wider and more attention, and other cities such as Beijing will also take the initiative to apply for the implementation of the pilot.

The meeting emphasized that each pilot city should explore and improve the government procurement demand standard system for green buildings and green building materials, and establish an objective, quantitative and adaptable to the actual needs of the region. The green building materials commonly used by purchasers are included in the scope of batch centralized procurement, relying on the electronic procurement platform to implement procurement, and exerting the scale effect of centralized procurement. Establish a policy implementation mechanism for the implementation of procurement requirements and standards, and integrate the project budget, engineering design, material procurement, engineering construction, and completion acceptance of government procurement projects into closed-loop management. Continue to promote technological innovation of green building materials, accelerate the green and intelligent process of building materials industry, actively cultivate leading companies in green building materials, carry out certification and promotion of green building materials, and provide support for the development of green buildings and new building industrialization.

The meeting requested that the leading units of the pilot cities should effectively assume the main responsibility of the pilot work, not only plan, deploy, and implement together, but also take their own responsibilities and cooperate closely. Research and solve outstanding problems in time to form a reproducible and extendable green building material project procurement model, working mechanism, and safeguard measures. At the same time, they should extensively publicize and summarize the staged results and typical practices of the pilot, so that more building materials companies, third-party organizations and non-pilot regions will actively participate in the process, laying a solid foundation for national promotion.

The Treasury Department of the Ministry of Finance and the Standards and Quota Department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development were mainly responsible comrades, and the responsible comrades of relevant business divisions attended the main venue. Responsible comrades from the Provincial Department of Finance and the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development where the pilot cities are located attended the conference.

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