The list of the 2020 National Green Building Innovation Awards to be awarded is announced, 61 projects are included


The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development recently issued the "Announcement on the List of Projects to be Awarded for the National Green Building Innovation Award in 2020", and announced the list of 61 projects to be awarded. The publicity period ends on February 19, 2021.

It is understood that in order to promote green building innovation and promote the high-quality development of green buildings, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development organized the 2020 National Green Building Innovation Award review work in accordance with the "National Green Building Innovation Award Management Measures." After review, it is planned to award the 2020 National Green Building Innovation Award to 61 projects. Among them, the first prize is planned to be awarded to 16 projects including the passenger terminal and parking building of Beijing Daxing International Airport, the second prize is to be awarded to 20 projects including the 2019 Beijing World Horticultural Exposition International Pavilion, and the third prize is planned to be awarded to 25 projects including Beijing Fengke Wanda Plaza Shopping Center.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development emphasized that during the publicity period, any unit or individual who has objections to the project, the completion unit, or the completion person that has won the Green Building Innovation Award can submit a written opinion. The opinions of the unit shall be stamped with the official seal, and the contact person and telephone number shall be specified. Personal opinions should be signed with real name, ID number and contact number.

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