The first case in China! The main structure of Nanjing Lishui's first steel structure underground comprehensive pipe gallery is basically completed


Recently, the reporter learned from Lishui District that the main structure of Qinhuai Avenue Comprehensive Pipe Gallery, the first underground pipe gallery in the district, has basically been completed. This is also the country’s first underground comprehensive pipe gallery project constructed with advanced steel structure nodes.

It is reported that the underground integrated pipe gallery is to concentrate the "aorta" of these cities, such as pipelines that transport water, electricity, heat and various energy sources, communications, and various sewage pipelines to the city, which is conducive to maintenance and protection. It can effectively avoid repeated excavation of "road zipper" and "air spider web". The Qinhuai Avenue integrated pipeline gallery project, starting from Tianshengqiao Avenue in the north and to the South Outer Ring Road in the south, is 3.8 kilometers in length and is a rectangular single-cabin structure of cast-in-place reinforced concrete. With a width of 3.5 meters and a height of 3.6 meters, the integrated cabin accommodates three types of pipelines for power, communication and water supply. Among them, the 200-meter test section adopts the international leading steel structure mouth joint technology, which has many advantages such as low cost and short construction period, which can provide an important reference for the construction of underground pipe corridors in the future.

According to the relevant person in charge of Lishui District, the construction of underground comprehensive pipe corridors is an important part of the high-quality construction of modern cities, and plays an inestimable role in improving the appearance of the city and ensuring city safety.

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