Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region will renovate 1,714 old communities, benefiting more than 230,000 residents


The reporter learned from the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Xinjiang Autonomous Region: This year, Xinjiang will promote the establishment of a joint governance and sharing mechanism by the government, residents, and social forces, explore a model for financial support market forces to participate in the transformation, and start the transformation of 1,714 old urban communities, benefiting 231,500 residents.

This year, Xinjiang will pay close attention to the bottleneck constraints of high-quality development and the problems that the people have strongly expressed, and improve the living conditions of people of all ethnic groups. In-depth development of urban residential community construction to make up for shortcomings, combined with the transformation of urban old communities and the construction of 15-minute activity circles, to coordinate and promote the construction of green communities and smart communities (communities). Renovate and construct municipal infrastructure and public service facilities in residential communities according to local conditions. Launched a three-year action to improve the quality of property services, and supported property companies to develop diversified services such as online and offline and home community elderly care.

In terms of focusing on solving the outstanding problems of urban housing, Xinjiang will continue to adhere to the positioning of "houses are for living, not for speculation", and strengthen the housing market and housing security system. At the same time, speed up the cultivation and development of the housing rental market, and attach importance to solving the housing problems of new citizens, young people and other groups with housing difficulties.

This year, Xinjiang will launch a three-year action to rectify and standardize the order of the real estate market, regulate real estate development, transactions, leasing, and property services, and purify the market environment. Accelerate the development of the housing leasing market, cultivate and develop specialized and large-scale housing leasing companies, implement long-term housing policies, and gradually enable rental and purchase houses to have equal rights in enjoying public services.

In addition, Xinjiang will start to transform 63,900 shanty towns this year, and raise 26,100 public rental houses. Further standardize the development of public rental housing, fully implement the public rental housing management system, and gradually promote the government's purchase of public rental housing operation management services. Develop policy-based rental housing in Urumqi City, Altay Region and other qualified cities, and explore the use of collective construction land and the construction of idle land owned by enterprises and institutions.

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