Laixi District, Qingdao City issued the province's first prefabricated building construction permit


Recently, Qingdao Laixi Economic Development Zone issued a construction permit for Qingdao Kemei Biological Engineering Co., Ltd. This is the first prefabricated construction permit in Shandong Province. After the completion of the Kemei Bioengineering project, it became the first industrial plant in Shandong Province to be built using prefabricated construction.

Prefabricated building refers to a building assembled on site with prefabricated parts. It greatly reduces the intensity of on-site operations and shortens the construction period. Compared with traditional buildings, it has good earthquake resistance, safety and environmental protection. It is the future development trend of the construction industry. As a representative of green buildings, it is included in the national "14th Five-Year Plan". Such forward-looking projects have encountered difficulties in obtaining construction permits. Zhao Jing, the administrative manager of Qingdao Kemei Biological Engineering Co., Ltd., introduced that because the prefabricated industrial plant is the first case in the province. In the process of applying for the construction permit, the construction plan review encountered great difficulties, and the review failed all the time, resulting in the delay in the application of the construction permit. After learning about the situation, Laixi Economic Development Zone immediately helped to connect with the administrative examination and approval center in Qingdao and organized an expert discussion meeting in Jinan. Subsequently, the project party revised the construction drawings based on expert opinions. After the review certificate was issued, the Laixi Economic Development Zone issued construction permits to the enterprise on the same day, refreshing the speed of issuing permits. In the next step, the Laixi Economic Development Zone Approval Service Center will further reduce the time limit for approval, improve approval efficiency, provide targeted customized services for all projects, and implement one-to-one intimate assistance. The purpose is to make enterprises more worry-free and time-saving, and strive to create a business environment with "the fewest approval items, the highest efficiency, the best service quality, and the strongest corporate identity".strongest corporate identity".

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