Look, what is the length of Lanzhou's first underground comprehensive pipe gallery?



The reporter learned from China Railway 21st Bureau Group that recently, Lanzhou’s first underground comprehensive pipeline corridor PPP project invested and constructed by the group, the comprehensive pipeline corridor project in the Matan area of Qilihe District, has officially entered the trial operation stage.

Entrance of Control Center of Matan Comprehensive Pipe Gallery

The underground comprehensive pipe gallery is the "corridor" of urban municipal facilities built underground, allowing the original underground power, communications, tap water, water supply and drainage, gas and other pipelines to "live in" the same space. In the case of maintenance and inspection, there is no need to repeatedly excavate the ground, and you can enter the underground pipe gallery to operate, so that urban roads can bid farewell to the "pull link". Lanzhou City currently has a number of underground pipe gallery projects under construction, and the Matan underground pipe gallery is the fastest progressing one. The construction of the integrated pipeline gallery in the Matan area lasted three years. It includes six road pipeline corridors with a total length of 6.84 kilometers. The pipeline corridor content will collect 6 types of pipelines including heat, water supply, drainage (rain, sewage), electricity, communications, and natural gas. At present, the main construction of the project, the installation of auxiliary facilities, and the single-machine commissioning of electromechanical equipment have all been completed, and the joint debugging and joint test work of the five major systems of electrical, automatic control, ventilation, drainage, and fire fighting has been successfully completed.

Pipe Gallery Control Center Management Platform

According to reports, the management platform of the Madan Integrated Pipe Gallery Control Center is the "brain" of the area's pipe gallery system. The control centers of monitoring, communication, and fire fighting systems are concentrated here. During operation, the collection, analysis, storage and sharing of environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, air oxygen content, and water level in the pipe gallery can be realized. At the same time, technologies such as the Internet of Things will be used to visually manage equipment status, corridor information and environmental indicators, so as to realize intelligent management of facilities in the corridor.

Inside the pipe gallery

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