Liu Dongwei: Shandong Province sets an example for high-quality housing development


The Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Shandong Province organized and compiled the "Technical Guidelines for the Development and Construction of Healthy Housing in Shandong Province" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines"), which will be implemented in January 2021. Guided by the implementation of the new development concept, the "Guidelines" promote the development of high-quality housing construction in Shandong Province through innovative healthy housing technology and a technical support system to ensure healthy housing quality.

In the 1970s, the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment discussed issues of population, resources and human settlements. Starting from the construction of sustainable development, internationally, in view of the urban and rural human settlement environment and public health and safety issues, the issue of residential health and safety is included in the decision-making development goals to ensure the quality of life for residents and improve the health and safety of residents.

Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid development of my country's economy and society, the people's living standards have been greatly improved, and my country's urban and rural housing construction has made remarkable achievements. However, there are still many problems that need to be solved urgently in our country's residential building sanitation and epidemic prevention, residential health and safety protection, and industrialization technology of building parts.

In the new era, housing construction should adhere to the development concept of a healthy and safe living environment based on life and livability, and integrate the concept of a healthy and safe living environment based on life and livability into the whole process of planning, construction and management.

The "Guidelines" fully draw on the advanced experience of domestic and foreign housing construction for health and safety protection, and focus on comprehensive protection systems at different levels from macro to micro, from space to performance, from architecture to environment, and from construction to management, leading the construction of a healthy living environment with high-quality development in the new era.

The "Guidelines" summarized the results of my country's relevant standards practice, put more emphasis on the systematic and spatial implementation of residential development and construction, and highlighted barrier-free functions to meet the spatial needs of healthy living, home care, and home fitness.

The "Guidelines" focus on the development strategy of healthy China and healthy Shandong, focusing on the innovative leadership of the concept of healthy residential development and residential construction, and put forward innovative requirements in response to the increasingly serious problem of aging and the integration and development of smart life.

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